5 The Progression (1/2)
Denise knew that there wasn't anything to be concerned about when it came to Darya's rash and the logical side of her knew it would go away with time, but the curious side of her couldn't let the possibility go. She couldn't wipe the image of seeing her fifteen-year-old daughter with scales on her leg. She always joked that she was her little fish, but this was different.
It was midnight and Denise had been looking at the ceiling for the last hour trying to think of a better idea than thinking her daughter had some sort of fish disease, which was impossible, but she couldn't think of anything else. She couldn't stand laying in her bed anymore, she needed some answers.
Quickly standing up off her bed, she headed to the front door as quietly as she could, she didn't want to wake Darya and Marty up who was sleeping in their room. It may have been the last day of school but that wasn't going to stop the kids from spending time with each other.
She picked her keys up silently as she headed out the door and to her car. Starting it up, she pulled out of the driveway and began down the small road to her office at the marine biology lab for the town of Wave Crest. She was one of the only two that worked full time for the town. Her and her lab partner, Johnson, were the best in the region. They met in college and got a job at the same time. They work well together and have made the ocean life and people better since they started there. But she wasn't going to tell him what she's doing there at twelve-thirty at night.
Unlocking her office door she pillaged through the sample fridge for the vial she was looking for. When Darya was in her office earlier she talked her into giving some of her blood for some more tests. Darya hated needles so it was a stretch to get her to agree. But she did and now Denise had something to study along with the skin scraping she had from her as well. Remembering that she still had an old slide of blood from when Darya was born, she grabbed that as well.
When Darya was born, Denise was about to start her lab classes and when they took her daughter's blood when she was born she asked if she could keep a slide for her classes. Fifteen years later and she still has it in her office. Mostly for the memories but right now it was for science and her peace of mind.
She sat at the microscope and laid out the samples next to it. She put the old sample from her infant daughter on there first. She looked at the makeup of the cells and saw that they were normal, just like any other human's cells. She knew that wouldn't give her any answers if any since she would have seen something back then and she didn't.
Sliding the new slide of blood from the sample vial she took a longer look. At first glance, the cells seemed to be fine, normal even. But the longer they stayed under the microscope the more irritated they were becoming.
”It's like the blood is reacting to the oxygen around the glass slide. It's supposed to be airtight for the most part but I guess some got in there. Maybe this is why she's getting the rash? It's not just her skin reacting.” She spoke quietly to herself as if there was someone in the room with her.
She had an idea, she took the skin scrapping and rubbed them onto another glass slide. Fixing it under the metal security tabs she peered into the scope and looked at the skin she scraped from her daughter's leg earlier in the day when she thought she saw something that she never would on a human girl before; scales. She looked at the skin sample and saw the one thing she was hoping she wouldn't. It was true, what she had seen on her daughter before was real. But how could her normal human daughter have scales, not just on her skin, but in it?
And how has her daughter not seen this yet?