1 Happy Birthday Darya (1/2)

Tidal Wave AnneMarshall 42110K 2022-07-20

”Did you get the candles?” She asked her mother excitedly as she scurried from cabinet to cabinet looking for the supplies for the party.

”Yes, for the hundredth time, I got everything for your party today. You don't need to worry.” Darya's mother, Denise, said with an exasperated sigh.

”But did you get the chips that Marty and I like the most, that's the important question here. We've been looking forward to this day for a while. I know a lot of people aren't coming over and it honestly might just be Marty and me but those chips tie everything together.” Denise rolled her eyes while she watched her way too excited daughter go around the kitchen looking for the salt and vinegar chips that she had hidden in her bedroom for this reason.

”Darya, you need to relax a bit, you don't want to get overworked and have an asthma attack. Do you have your inhaler just in case?” She asked her when she finally stopped looking for the chips.

”Yes mom, I don't go anywhere without it. And I won't have an attack I haven't in a few weeks it's been great! Now, where did you hide the chips?”

Denise let out a long sigh and walked to her bedroom at the end of the hall. Opening the closet door and reaching up to a place that she knew Darya couldn't reach, and she barely could herself, and grabbed the grocery bag that held two massive bags of salt and vinegar chips. Walking back out to the kitchen she saw Darya's eyes widen with surprise at the amount of chips she purchased last week.

”Wow, mom! Why did you get so much? It's just going to be Marty and me today.” Darya told her as she snatched the bag from her hand and took them to the living room to set them up for the party.

”Why are we throwing a party for you and the only friend you have that comes over here so often that most people think he lives here? I bought a whole cake for this!” Denise looked over the party food and supplies with a bit of a glare at the work she had to do for it.

”Well, technically I invited a lot of other people but no one but Marty likes me. There is a reason we've been friends for this long, plus I'm pretty sure we'll eat that whole cake with no issues. He should be here shortly.” She looked at the clock ticking away on the wall with anticipation.

”It's nearly been a whole day since you've seen him, must be killing you.” Her mother said with a little more than a hint of sarcasm. She loved Marty and he's been in their lives since she was a toddler in daycare. She was good friends with Marty's fathers and one of the only parents that got along with them. Because of their relationship, a lot of the mothers and fathers around the town didn't like them, they didn't show it in person, but you could tell they were uncomfortable.

”It is, usually he stays the night before my birthday, and I do the same with him, but his dads needed him home for something last night. They'll be coming too, by the way. I think they miss hanging out with you since you took that business trip last week. They ask about you all the time.” Darya said as she rummaged through the pantry for the drink mix so she could make some lemonade before Marty got there.

”Yes, I've been meaning to go by their place and chat with them. But with the trip for work and planning my little girl's fifteenth birthday, things got a bit chaotic and I haven't had the time. I'm glad they'll be over today we need someone to help eat all of this food.” She said with a bit of a laugh as she got the sugar down from the top cabinet for Darya's lemonade.

”Remember not too much of the powder, not everyone likes it as tart as you do.” She reminded Darya as she scooped the pale yellow powder from the package and into the pitcher of water. She rolled her eyes at her mother's words and scooped a second helping of powder when she turned her back after setting the sugar down next to the pitcher.

Darya stopped stirring the lemonade when she heard the creak of the screen door telling her that Marty had arrived. She quickly put the pitcher of lemonade in the fridge and ran to the front of the house. Marty didn't ring the doorbell, he'd been over enough times that Denise got annoyed at the bell and told him to just come in when he would get there.

”Happy Birthday Darya!” Marty shouted as he opened the front door and nearly walked into Darya who was standing right behind the now opened door. She squealed and grabbed him in a tight hug before they both ran off and into the kitchen to set stuff up.

”Denise!” Marty's father Michael shouted from the front door telling Denise that they were there too. She pulled her apron off and threw it in the dirty clothes before welcoming them at the door.

”Michael, Ramon, please come in. It's been too long, sorry I've been so busy this week, between work and this girl's demands for her birthday.” She joked as she gave them each a good-hearted hug and had them follow her to the living room where the kids had already broken into the hot dogs and chips.

”Don't be sorry Denise, we all have to work and I would be lying if I said city hall wasn't keeping me just as busy,” Michael said as they followed her and took a seat on the couch in front of the movie that Darya had picked for them all to watch.