15 Chapter 14: See You Soon, Brother! (1/2)

Even the drops of rain courted for my attention outside. Yet not a single curtain lifted within my room. Tears rolled down non-stop all over my face. I was just another girl and no matter how much I tried, Grade was an existence long extinguished, far far away.

”So who am I?” I tried to think, but it was impossible.

My heart had sunk into the pit of despair now. Fred hadn't replied yet and the bird hadn't arrived. On top of it all, despite being a mage at such a tender age, I was not qualified to be in M.T.S.

”...” I sniffled and cried until my pillows were wet, and then turned to wipe my tears and snots on the bed sheet.

Pink was not my style anymore. Things were so dark and bitter that I felt like I was worse than trash all over again... nobody would want me. Nobody cared.

While I was busy with my ambivalent feelings all rushing out and questioning my true identity, a knock on the door, instantly averted my attention. At the time, the back of my mind, clogged numerous anxieties, with everything else seemingly... pointless.

So I put the blanket down and tip-toed towards the door. I knew who it was the moment my ears pressed against the new wooden door.

The door was carved, especially to be slightly different, compared with the other rooms and thus, easily recognizable. The wooden carvings were simply as elegant as the Victorian Era paintings back on Earth. Each carve swayed with it's own unique personality.

As I leaned closer towards the door, my right ear pressed tightly against it, I heard that overly familiar voice. A voice full of arrogance and nobility. Talking to 'his' subjects.

Who else could it be, but Charles? I yawned without interest.

”The week has passed and she still won't open the door, sire.” I heard a maid report to Charles.

”Her food had been left untouched until the past two days though,” another maid opened her mouth, ”of course, we have been diligently exchanging the course of every meal... sire.”

”Good,” Charles's voice sounded cold.

”Sire, if I must,” a steward tried suggesting, ”perhaps Miss Gloria would feel it better if you bring her a gift or stroll over town...”

Charles just coughed and said nothing.

For sometime afterwards, everything indulged in silence.

Busy footsteps were all I heard. Surely they had left? I pondered, lost in thoughts.

”I'm worried if this continues on...” I heard a faint voice speak.

”Let me handle this, George,” I heard dad's rough voice whispering, ”I'll talk to her.”

There was knock on the door again and my poor eardrums were the worst of its victims.

Frankly, my ears were still ringing from the vibrations, as I rushed to push myself backwards. I stood in the middle of my room, speechless. The showering rain outside was still, as gloomy as ever.

”Gloria, honey,” Dad spoke in a rather sweet and concerned tone, ”we won't bite. We just want to talk to you... Could you please open the door...?”

”...” I paused for a few seconds, suddenly craving the urge to slam open the door and shout out loud how pathetic I felt deep inside.

On the contrary, I did none of that. Instead, ”...I don't wanna...” I held a long pause before giving them my answer in a rather arrogant and selfish way.

The only person I longed for at this moment was my big brother, Fred, but he was a long distance away. I just couldn't grasp these uneasy emotions that spoke from the guts... I worried, now and again, whether he was truly in danger or not.

I crouched down with pain as hunger echoed in my stomach. It was the worst possible moment for me to think about food...! ”Not now!!” I heard a tiny whisper from my mouth.

”Please sweetie,” Dad exclaimed in a much lower tone, ”Open the door...”

”C'mon Gloria, please,” I heard George say with a slight haste, ”Father hasn't eaten at all for the past three days. He won't eat unless you come out. His face has gotten so pale with only drinking water-”

George stopped short.

Again, only silence greeted me. However, this time there was something new about it, ”OPEN THE DOOR, GLORIA!” Prince Charles's dark personality commanded, ”EITHER THAT, OR I'M CRACKING THIS DOOR WIDE OPEN!”

”You're just bluffing!” I tried to reply, my voice shaking.

”If you think I'm joking then think again!” He seemed full of himself, ”Just get out of the way or I'll blast you along with your beloved door!”

This guy had the nerve to threaten me!

”Cute,” I replied with a devious smirk plastered on my face, as I got right in front of the door, ”Give it all you've got!” I shouted back at him.

”Threaten me all you want,” I thought to myself, ”but that trick was overrated even before I was born, sucker!!”

Suddenly, the earth beneath me shook. Standing there felt like I was on a massage chair that was vibrating throughout every bone in my body.

Out of the blue, a quicksand appeared below me and sucked me in. All of me... within seconds! It felt like drowning in a tornado... I was suffocating the entire time. Was I underneath the earth? Was I within the sea or air? No, I was caught in a dusty place where the golden quicksand all around... But worst of all, my movements and even the feeling of touch, had disappeared.

A huge impact caused the quicksand to shake violently and I felt sick to my stomach, but then it went with it's usual pace. My stomach growled and my eyes continued to lose hope.

Everything started to become blurry. I could barely blink my eyes and a strange numbing sensation grasped a hold of me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say bluntly, my body was gonna disintegrate.

”Calm down,” a mysterious voice suggested.

”Breathe... come on... just move your hands...” was all I could remember hearing at the brink of unconsciousness.

Moving my hands upwards little by little, still shivering from the coldness, I gradually opened my eyes. I could feel the sensation of my eyes moving, my hands shivering while holding George's hand and the look of pity in everyone's eyes.

Only one figure stood out at that moment in my memory.

Charles, as he looked right at me, annoyed and expressionless.

In less than a handful of seconds, my head began hurting and before I could ask any question, everything turned pitch black... sleep overwhelmed my nerves... it was too blissful to ignore.



I could feel my head tilting from one side to another, but my vision was by now, lost in darkness. I could obviously hear birds chirping outside and the leaves rustling up against the wind. Yet, my body did not feel the urgency to wake up.

”We have to go.” I heard Dad.

”But Father, what about little Glow?” This was George, without a doubt. A soft spoken gentleman.

”She's yet to awaken.” So he was here too, that damn Dark Prince.

At that moment, I felt my left hand index finger nudge a little. Was this out of spite or just a coincidence? I was intrigued to find out.

”Did you see that?” George implied with fascination.

”...” Dad and Charles were silent.

I could feel myself trying to stimulate contact.

”I think she's restraining herself.” Charles bluntly chose his words to spite me again.

”Why?” Dad asked.

”She just doesn't want to face the cold hard truth.” Charles grunted.

Okay, okay, that's ENOUGH. I wanted to smack his words with mine. This dude was clearly trying to trample me with my insecurities now!!

”No way... but Baby Glow's always been the brave one.” Dad added.

”Then what about the bird?” George asked, his voice seemed tensed.

”Bird...?” My mouth opened up, surprised and shivering.

I felt my eyes open wide with concern. My hands were still paralyzed and my body didn't coordinate well either. Only my head to neck felt the mobility to move at all, despite the fact that it hurt everywhere.

”The... the...” George looked at me, puzzled.

”Look Windy,” Dad called me, ”George and I will cover this situation. You should rest...”

”Tell me, w-w-wh-aat?” I barely managed to speak.

”The bird returned. There's no return letter. So father and I are going to the frontlines.” George replied, hurriedly.


”No return letter...” my mind went blank with misery. ”He hasn't called... ever.”

I just nodded and looked away towards the window. George seemed awfully concerned with what to say next, but never uttered anything.

Within minutes, I was alone in the room, staring at the roof. I felt my nerves relax and my body felt light. It wasn't much of a surprise that I wasn't in my old room anymore. This room was painted yellow and green. Naturally, very positive.

My muscles relaxed and my eyes shut down... all I could remember was falling into deep slumber...there remained nothing but haze.


A tickle on the nose was enough to irritate me. So why was the wind outside acting up and the leaves just going along with it's tune. I couldn't get a minute of sleep, the moment the storm attacked.

Unexpectedly, an entire day had passed by the time I woke up, again. My senses were more sharpened and relaxed. My body felt as alive as a jungle cat and the dizziness I felt before had vanished completely.

A maid rushed to my rescue, running hurriedly with all her might. I recognized her pretty well... she was the one who had almost tied of strangulation by the Dark Prince!

”I am so very sorry, Ms. Gloria,” she apologized frantically, not allowing her emotions to show too much, ”His Highness had ordered me to open up the window so you could inhale some fresh air. I was in the kitchen downstairs preparing your supper. I am extremely sorry, Miss, there wont be a next time.”

”What's your name?” I asked, curiously.

”Pardon?” She was surprised for some reason.

”Your name...” I wondered what I said wrong.

”Oh, yes,” she smiled sheepishly, ”of course!”

However, just as she was about to introduce herself to me, a recurring knock on the door interfered. As always, it was His Highness, the Cunning Crown Prince.

The maid slightly bowed to me and then slid past Charles, whom she once admired, but now her face looked petrified instead.

”Avalon and George have left.” Charles said when only the two of us were in the room. His eyes felt very chilling.

”I see...” I stared down on my bed sheet, scared and sad.

My heart began thumping once I realized we were alone. This was the first time. Surprisingly I was well aware of this emotion... utter fear!

Most people would have mistaken it for love, but not me, I knew instantly what this was... I was suffocating the entire time he was here. He was more powerful than me, so how could I feel safe? Heck! I wasn't even sure whether I should consider him a friend or foe.

”I know what you're thinking, G,” Charles suddenly exclaimed, ”but know this... whatever I do, despite the sadness I cause you often, are all for your well being.”

”Heh,” I just chuckled a little.

”Oh? You think it's funny, do you now?” Charles stated, ”Then let me ask you this... why were you asking that servant for her identity?”

”What an absurd question!” I thought to myself, but didn't say a word.

”She stood up to you. I found that very inspiring!” I remarked sarcastically.

”Really?” The dark Prince laughed a little. Then his eyes went deep. Gloomy as ever, he replied, ”It sounds to me that you were going to promote her.”

”What?” His words hit me like a ton of bricks, ”Why?!”

”Its not a remote village, nor a tribe...” Charles replied, indifferent, ”This is the Crown Prince's Castle! A part of the royal court.” His tone became more and more domineering, ”My words are the law. Since you have a higher status here now, followers and servants will naturally be desperate to catch your eye.”

”Oh... I get it.”

”You do?” Charles gave me a doubtful glance, ”But mark my words... If you're not careful with these people, they'll bite you later on.”

”So why are you here?” I tried changing the subject.

”To warn you.” Charles replied.

”About what?”


He didn't reply, but his face was smeared with an apologetic smile. This was the first time I'd seen him behave this strangely. Sure he was a big weirdo from the beginning, but he hardly ever acted up. Ever since we came, this time, he was... distant.

”Okay...?” I awkwardly tried to reply.

”At this moment, I'm not sure whether telling you is the right choice... especially because of your reckless behaviour.”

”If you don't tell me then won't I barge upon whatever IT is, sooner or later...?”

”Therefore,” Charles paused for a moment. The silence was tremendously heavy the longer it drew, ”I have a solution. Become my sister.”

”...Excuse me?” I managed to choke myself without effort, by his confession.

”There is a way. A Bond.”

”Like adopting me?” I asked, feeling nauseous.

”Not really.” Charles chuckled a little before he continued, ”A Bond does indeed have paperwork and an application that should be approved by the royal court. But, a bond is special.”

”Yet, you won't go into details...”

”That's right. I don't want you to plot your cards.”

”Tch.” I clicked my tongue, ”so be it.”


It was already dreadfully dark by the time I could move my body entirely. The twin moons, as I called them, were glistening above in the night sky.

”Are you following me?” I asked them, giggling to myself.

The room was utterly silent and nobody answered. I looked at both of the twins that were gazing upon me. It had been a long time since Fred and I had watched the moons shining as brightly as diamonds.

I tiptoed down the hall and crept my way up the marble stairs. I had to take my indoor shoes off just so there wouldn't be any sound. After all, the only place left for me to go... was my room.

To my surprise, the previous door that was once new, had already been replaced. The screws were bolted, neatly.

I barged into my room and closed the door. This new room was still clashing against my tastes. Sure, it was refined and had a balcony added, but it was not the old one...

I turned on the lights, but gave them all a dim glow. It would be better if I hadn't been discovered yet. I walked over to the curtains and shoved them all the way, so nobody would spot me.

”Urgh,” I grumbled to myself, ”It hurts... my head.”

I flinched around to search for my prey. It had been carefully stuffed inside a cage and properly placed on my desk near the windowsill.

”Say... how is he?” I asked the bird who didn't know my language.

I sighed. It was no use after all.

I stretched my arms and sat on the chair, wondering what to write. The bird stared at me, meticulously studying my every action. It was annoying.

As I stared into space and yawned over a hundred times, the letter remained blank.


”Gloria... Gloria...” I heard a voice.

”Don't disturb me.” I groaned.

”Wake up, see... it's Fred.”

I jumped on my feet the moment I heard this news. ”Fred!” I gleefully turned to look behind me.

Immediately, I could pinpoint his location amongst the crowd of people standing behind me. Family members who wore plain white clothes and everybody else who wore pure black... but what about Fred? Well, there he was.

Yes, he was there. Speechless... breathless... and dead. Inside that silver coffin.

”No...” I tried to pacify my shaken self, ”No, no, no, no....NO!”

I grabbed hold of my hair, trying to read off everything and just say that this is but a dream...!

And yet, the evidence was right before my eyes. No face, no body, no nothing. Just that coffin.

”Surely, it's not...” I screamed loudly amongst all this anguish, ”STOP CRYING! DAMN IT!! I told you, didn't I? IT'S NOT HIM!!!”

”How can you be so sure?” a voice behind me spoke as I froze.

I turned to look behind me and then, there it was...! That stupid bird!!

”It's all your fault!” I yelled to no avail.

”Is it now?” the bird just smirked.

I swallowed a lump down my dry throat. The impossible was happening right before my eyes.

”This is just a dream!” I arrogantly stated, stressed out.

”Perhaps,” another voice interrupted and before I knew it, everything had faded into a blinding white colour.

”Let me say this now,” I felt the voice getting closer to me, more than ever, ”STAY AWAY FROM FRED, if you value your life...” it paused, ”...and his...”

”What? No! Wait...!” As I tried to stop the voice, a black hole began sucking me inside and when I opened my eyes, I was sprawled on the floor like an idiot, sweating like a sinner, back inside my room. The vision, or rather dream, was gone.

The lights were dimly lit. The curtains were pulled and my injuries were more painful than ever. The medicines of this world were healing potions and ointments, sure, but the flaws were the aftereffects.

The injuries would heal mostly within a few days, even if you lost an arm, regeneration wasn't a problem if you had money. However, what was most severe was the backlash that followed afterwards!

My heart thumped like a forest fire. My lungs were filled with carbon dioxide and breathing itself became a stranger to me. Then came the momentary paralysis effect that numbed my entire nervous system.

”This is a type of Hell.” I said to myself.


After a few hours of suffering, I found myself free to move again. Sighing, I got up and properly sat on the chair wondering about many things... the letter... the bird... and mostly, about that nightmare.

”I quit.” I said to the bird, ”I'm not backing out anymore. My brother is definitely alive! I just know it!!”

I smirked and began to write my second letter to Fred:

”Dear Nasty Big Brother Fred,

How are you today? How are things back at the front lines? Hopefully you're still alive, aren't you? You haven't replied to my first letter yet, so... I'm still waiting, y'know?

This bird is useless to me if you won't reply to me... but every time I see it, I'm relieved. I can be sure that you're still here. I'm not missing you, though. Don't misunderstand! I'm just worried that you're gonna cry and beg me to help you later on... so, please, make sure you reply to me this time.

Even if I have to wait forever, I won't stop writing... crying... waiting... never. Don't run away, J.

See You Soon~ Big Brother!

(Signed) G.W”

Just like last time, I strapped my hair ribbon around the letter before attaching it to the hawk's leg. It flew off the balcony when I released it. Swift, silent and only leaving a feather behind.

”This is it!” I told myself.

< Charles's POV >

”My Lord,” a voice interrupted my thoughts.

”I'm busy, Hilbert.” I said to the middle aged scrawny man who stood in front of me.

”Of course, sire,” was all he uttered, ”but this might interest you...”

By the time I realized what Hilbert's unusual smirk meant as he carefully put down a letter in front of my desk, I was left speechless.

”You can't be serious...” I gasped as I began to unfold the letter.

This was no ordinary letter. Because along with the letter as white as sheet, came a blue envelop. That envelop was a... telegram.

I opened the letter with shaking hands. Even though Hilbert had insisted he would take over, I refused. ”If I'm a royal, then I should act like one. Don't you agree?” I remarked sarcastically at him.

”But of course.” Hilbert frowned a little.

Hilbert had always looked after me since my birth. He had been my trusted aid for as long as I could remember. To me, unlike my biological father the King, Hilbert was more of a father figure. A comrade I have never regretted having...!

”You can't protect me forever, Hilbert.” I chuckled at the overprotective man.

I took the letter out of the white envelop and read it silently. My eyes felt heavy as I handed the letter to Hilbert and asked him one question, ”Where is she?”

”I believe Lady Gloria has gone to town to refresh herself.” Hilbert answered while he glanced at the letter.


”No, your highness,” Hilbert replied with confidence, ”I've sent guards disguised along with her and a few spies to follow behind them should the need arise.”

”Read it.” I sighed with a dry throat.

”Dear Friend,

My father and I have been scouting the front lines for the past two days and as you've predicted, there's no survivor here. Blood and icy-snow all the way upto the Northern mountains. I cannot discuss the dire details with you yet in this letter due to the dangers ahead.

However, Fred is still M.I.A. So, please do not let Gloria hear these words before Dad and I arrive.

From the Front Line: Galvous,

George. W”

I heaved a long, heavy sigh. This was no time to be panicking, I hardened my thoughts and convinced myself. This was the time of planning!

”Your Highness, I must agree with Sir George's opinions.” Hilbert stated with deep concern.
