170 Local problems (2/2)

A New Dawn Innovation 45370K 2022-07-20

”YOU WORMS! YOU STUPID WALKING MEAT! ARGH! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU RUINED AGAIN?” The visibly angered orc was walking in a circle, stomping the very ground with his feet. Even then, each time he wanted to cut the two in front of him, he restrained himself and shouted to release his wrath.

”The Resistance will free all our brothers and sisters! You will lose against the One Reborn.!”

”Even after killing us, you will only rekindle the flames of rebellion! All of our kin that will watch us will take arms and fight back!”

Such theatrical sentences almost made Leilade laugh loudly, but when she saw that none of the demons looked confident, she realized the situation was not really good for them. It also seemed to not be the first time this happened, otherwise they would have sneered at such grandiloquent prose.

”THAT'S IT! GIVE MY REGARDS TO THAT DAMNED UNDEAD!” Finally snapping out, the red orc that was visibly in charge almost cut down the woman in half, leaving her with half of a breath. Her companion immediately approached her, not restrained by the other demons.

”Oemor ... oh my Oemor ...” With those last words, she left this world, leaving behind her a grieving man. Right next to him, however, a creature similar to a ratman approached the supervisor, a bit fearful. ”Commandant, with all due respects, the orders were to ...”

”I know what the orders are, so you can shut your damned rotten mouth. I don't need a rat from the capital to tell me what to do in my domain. And what would be the point anyway, to let them rot in public? More of them will just see their pitiful states, have pity and it will increase their desire to fight us. Their masters. No, you can tell them it had failed. It has been years now, and the attacks are only increasing.”

Swinging his sword still red of the blood of the woman, he quickly cut beheaded the last remaining human, finally stopping his noisy cries. Starring at the two corpses, he looked back, only to see some humans slowing down while passing nearby. Sensing their gazes on him, the anger that was still present began to grow once more.

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”GET THEM OUT OF HERE! NOW!” Hearing the orders, the group of demons was dispersed, with some picking up the bodies to hide them from the eyes of the public while other picked up their whips, making the slow humans immediately increase their speeds. ”All of this because of this damned One Reborn. If we had killed that undead while we had the chance.” Sensing the eyes of the ratman on him, he regretted saying those words. ”I take back what I just said, you're happy now? Now go and bother other people. I think the one fighting in the frontiers would be thrilled to have you on their sides.”

”We are not your enemies, commandant. We are all on the same side, facing the threat of the undead. Just ...” Looking at the red pond that had been formed by the leaking blood of the two humans, the small green demon didn't really know what to say. Turning his head left and right, he realized they were finally alone, just the two of them. ”I will take your advice back to the capital. But just between you and me, the situation is also deteriorating near the capital. And no one knows how to fix it, even the Demon Emperor.”

For the first time since she got here, she saw the red orc not angered but surprised, as his two eyes were wide open. ”Are you saying that ...” Just at this moment, another demon passed nearby, prompting him to shut his mouth. However, his message had already been transmitted, as the ratman nodded his head. ”We'll all be damned. Even they failed. But we still need more and more demons just to keep in check the ever-growing population of humans. And the ones in the frontiers are still asking for more and more of my men. What am I supposed to do?”

To this, the other party didn't possess a solution. Feeling small tap on his bulk arms, he saw the ratman beginning to leave, to let him alone to handle his problem. If he hadn't been informed of the bigger picture, he would have probably been mad once more. But now, all he did was just looking at the skies with a worried expression.

As for the hidden listener, she was contemplating whether she should kill one of the two or not. But with their two targets soon entering the crowded hamlet, she did not want to bother slaughter everyone. However, her interest was increasing slightly, knowing that humans and undead were working together. As for the One Reborn and the Demon Emperor, she did not have to worry that much. Their very survival will only depend on whether they were concerned with the plans of Candaith.