169 Far from home (1/2)

A New Dawn Innovation 55770K 2022-07-20

Flying at great speed, a small black ball violently hit a nearby stone, before passing through. This kept continuing until the ball in question managed to stop herself, only to find out she was deep inside the ground. Flying upward, she managed to spot the blackened ground from where she came from. As for the portal it had already been destroyed, collapsing because of the lack of mana. Even now, she couldn't help but feel that she had been swindled by that old dragon.

But in the end, even if this wasn't what Candaith wanted for her to get, it was still his mark on the portal. From her frequent usages and even their regular petty fights, she had a good grasp on what the human could do. And inscribing a seal on a crystal like that was perfectly in his expertise. The only thing she needed to know now was where the hell she currently was.

Looking around, she was slightly disappointed to not see anything that was not natural, like a house or even a sculpted pillar. However, gazing at the red clouds above her and the quite scarce vegetation around, she had the feeling she was not on the same planet anymore. Spreading her power, even more, she was more and more convinced of this idea, as the nature of the mana was not as pure as the precedent planet.

Also meaning that this world, or whatever she was in was not created by the Ancients. Maybe the only good thing for her was to not have to worry again about anything that this race did. Observing her surroundings carefully, all she could obtain was the fact that she was in a quite desolate place, with barely anything to eat and drink. However, after floating a bit, she recognized a strange pattern.

In fact, the stone that she first entered when she was projected in there was also part of it. Even if her surroundings were quite open, numerous rocks formed multiple circles around where the portal was created. Touching them, she could feel the remnant of magic that was dissipating, further confirming the fact that it was organized. Either Candaith or someone he knew did it because apparently, he managed to get friendly with a lot of people. Including the dragons.

The more she stayed on this planet, the longer she felt that Candaith had managed to know she would end up there too. But if that was the case, why didn't he just hide. Who could catch him, Akama, and any others that were present, if they truly wanted to not be discovered? But she also knew the answer to that question. If her disciple would follow that space-bunny if he was promised she would arrive, the others would necessarily be far more dubious. And with the numerous failures of going back to the Demonic Empire, they wouldn't believe Candaith anymore.

Absorbed by her thoughts, she noticed too late that a group of monsters had approached the circles of stones, and one of them had come back to the group in a hurry, by still silently. ”A soul! There is a soul violating the sacred ground!” Compared to the rest of the creatures, the one that was murmuring those words was quite small, nearly the size of Leilade and quite similar to a green ratman.

As for the rest, they were comparable to a group of red orcs, with only more deformed limbs and less human-like. However, they all had armors and weapons on them, like a uniform as even the colors were the same. All in all, with just a glance, the fact that they were organized fighters was obvious. Hearing the fact that an intruder had been spotted in what should remain untouched by war, those monsters had veins popping on their foreheads.

”It's been a long time since we killed a soul, boys! Let's send this wretched undead back to the grave!” Grabbing their weapons, the twenty or so creatures began to approach Leilade, with only hatred in their eyes. On their way, many began to murmurs incantations, enflaming their swords, axes, and hammers with a blue flame.

Only after sensing that disruption in the surrounding mana did the small girl turned around to look clearly at the newcomers. In her eyes, they could be considered as demons in a way, as the original races they belonged to had been tainted by this world. Of course, they were related to real demons like Ymir the same way a lizard was to a dragon. But more than once, just that appearance alone earned them this definition, annoying, even more, those that proud themselves by this name.

”DIE, SOUL!” Without even trying to talk to her, they began to rush at her, with a few of them staying in the back and beginning to wave their hands. On the receiving end of the assault, of course, Leilade would react. This time, she had not suffered immense damage under the power of The End and traveled in space itself in that disastrous state. No, in fact, this little trip barely affected her at all.

Even with the sudden change of appearance of the dark soul in front of them, that was obscuring the very place with darkness, none of the warriors had any hesitation. In fact, it only reinforced their determination to end this monstrosity that tainted this sacred place by its presence. Seeing the few spells that landed on this monster, they yelled as their weapons cut open a path to the small thing.

Unfortunately, they soon realized that even after cutting the numerous tentacles that were moving inside the shadows, that was useless. In a single second, everything that cut and fell to the ground immediately flew at great speed toward the wound, healing it in the process. As they could hear a burst of laughter mocking them, the very white eyes that were starring at them began to fade into nothingness.



Each and every one of them had slain countless of them before, and on this day it will not be the end. Their very movements suddenly began to become faster, as more and more darkness was falling to the ground. But even with this surge of power that was filling their bodies, as the mana around this place became scarce, it was not enough to even harm the true body of the soul. And finally, one was not quick enough to escape the clutches of the shadows. Seeing one of his men beginning to be absorbed by this monster, the leader of this group saw him smile one last time.


The body of this warrior exploded, creating a small vacuum inside the darkness. As more and more felt tired and made mistakes, none allowed themselves to be captured by the dark soul. Behind them, the few mages that were beginning to sweat heavily all grabbed their hands, before casting something that would cost their lives. The intense ray of red light pierced completely everything, finally allowing them to see the very small black face with a smile. As for the spell, it was stopped by a single of her hand, the light dispersed into the sky.

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