150 Breaking out of her schackles (1/2)
From afar, she could see numerous packs of black vultures lanching attacks after attacks on a few dragons. Even if they vastly outnumbered the dragons, they were still not really their match in the end. Not even their impressive size nor their threatening beck could really damage the scales of their opponent. As for the other party, she was mistaken in fact.
After getting a bit closer, she noticed the lack of proper arms, turning the dragons into wyverns. Based on the definition from the Demonic Empire, that had hundreds of variations of the dragonic family. The wings that should be on their backs were directly on their upper limbs, making them half arms and half wings. However, that did not prevent them from using magic nor a deadly blue breath that was causing ravages to the massive birds.
However, Leilade was fairly certain that for the wyverns, the entire sky had been darkened by the sea of black feathers. Waiting some additional minutes, she could see the deeply injured vultures slowly retreating as the wyverns were landing on the ground, their bodies intact but their faces bloodied. Everything had a weakness, besides a Saksa, and the usually durable scales were far thinner near the eyes and the maw. She could even see one of their ears completely torn apart.
Starring at the sea of black corpses or barely breathing survivors on the pure white snow, she began to wonder if the dwarves also meant to kill the birds. Recalling the term flying monster, that could be applied on both creatures. Only the eagerness of that dwarf to deny any relation with a dragon made her lean toward getting rid of the wyverns. Even if she could see that it was a huge mistake.
Right now, she had already seen thousands of those birds near the frontiers of Pankow and Kardel had confirmed that they also existed in the desert of Synnada. Meaning that they had only a few predators. Like the wyverns right here. The two races were probably fighting for food or territory and even if the wyverns caused many problems to the dwarves they were only a few of them. If the vultures kept growing, it could disrupt totally the ecosystem.
Not that she cared, besides making a mental note to erase those flying monsters from this world as soon as she could. Otherwise, they would mess up with the human she intended to control. Landing on the ground, she walked toward her targets, not forgetting to absorb the bodies laying on the snow. Of course, by doing that, she alerted immediately the winners of the previous fight, stopping them from entering their lair.
The biggest of the three stood up in front, getting ready for a fight. ”Typical male mentality.” At such a close distance, if she couldn't even distinguish that, she could remove her sight entirely. One male for two females, with probably a few babies inside the cave. That was a common sight for those races, even if in some cases, large groups of up to 20 heads could be encountered. But that was due to a very dangerous environment, forcing that proud race to live with each other.
”Foolish specter. Leave this place now, before my mercy is extinguished.” Spitting a small spark of blue fire, the wyvern did not look relaxed at all. Even if he was arrogantly warning her, she could see the two females behind him also getting in position. ”Not that bad.” They had at least the intelligence of recognizing when they were facing a superior being. Only when she could encounter smart creatures would she be able to stop restraining herself.
The three wyverns were so tense that the very ice under their feet began to crack. The originally small black human with white eyes had not answered the alpha of the group but instead had began to grow both in size and in height. Spreading on almost five meters all around the little body, numerous shadows could be seen moving, slowly, but they couldn't help but feel that they were watching the living beings. Even if it was just mere darkness, not something that should be alive at all.
”What are y... What do you want?” Feeling that it was not really proper to ask that evil thing what she really was, the male now only hoped that they could escape with their lives. The entire flow of mana around them was completely perturbed by the arrival of that strange thing, something even the dragons in Clear Peak couldn't provoke by themselves. Meaning that the specter was at least on par with them.
”MANA!!!” The grave distorted voice did not match her appearance of a small little human girl. But that was just not everything. Stupefied for a few seconds, the three monsters realized they had heard it directly in their minds and she hadn't pronounced anything. Bowing instantly his head, both the two females and the male did not dare any longer to even resist.
Even if they were only wyverns, and therefore weaker than most dragons, it did not mean they weren't considered as an apex predator in that region. Right now, they had repressed hundreds and hundreds of those black vultures without sustaining anything more than a few injuries. Monsters that could easily eat a human in one go.Their very body was extremely resistant to most magic and their own expertise in that domain meant their minds should never be attacked.
”Yes, Supreme One. Right away.” Signaling to his two wives to prepare everything, he couldn't let that thing escape his sight. Even if he knew he would lose the fight, he would not go down without giving all he had. However, as the minutes passed and the two other wyverns did not return, he could sense a change in the sea of darkness. Even if her face was exactly the same, her hair was turning slightly black.
”Here is everything.” Almost sighing in relief after hearing their arrival, the leader of the small group felt a pain in his chest. The loot they had earned in the last decades by sometimes stealing the dwarves under them was fully displayed. Even the large mana gem that was bigger than the head of that specter had not been left out. The very moment where all that stuff was dropped to the ground, the wyverns could see tentacles grabbing it swiftly, leaving a blank space behind.