146 All in one and One is all (1/2)
After seeing the angel of death impersonated floating in the air, there was not a single human that did not try to immediately hide in fear. Whether they were adventurers, soldiers, merchants or innocent travelers, all cowered in fear, hoping that the dark thing above their head will be gone soon. As for those that made too much noise and managed to stir Leilade away from her thoughts, no one ever saw them again.
Fortunately for the citizens of Avenio, the direction that Ymir indicated had not a single village or even a small hamlet directly on the way. A few could have been seen from where the soul was, but she was not in a hurry to rampage the country. In fact, she was not in a hurry to do anything, merely thinking a lot. Only that, unlike normal situations, none of those she called answered, all still inside the Vault of Souls in her original body.
To break free from the spell of Candaith, her only choice had been to split her soul to directly attack the space mage soul and force him to release her from the spell. However, due to the fact she was nowhere near her former glory, the best she could do was to infect the different mages responsible for the spell. Even after removing their control temporarily, her different souls were a bit too weak to efficiently fused into one, creating a bit of a mess in her mind. And as much as she hated to admit, something Candaith personally created was not any weaker than her own spells in their own.
And now, she was stuck with that nasty personality she obtained in her early days. Her main persona still remained inside her body, protected by the Viscount until she came back. In addition, no matter how much she called Master Agnil or anyone else, including the annoying dragon, none of them were present with her. Reminding herself to not destroy everything she had worked for, like waking up the Saksa, she kept floating forward.
With her mind still a bit in a turmoil, the time she spent in such a pensive state was far longer than she first expected. She also couldn't help but feel that something was wrong, and it concerned the Saksa. But the best she could come up was the fact that it was the dwarves the closest, so, in the end, it made sense she went to them to ask some questions. Looking under her and seeing the lush vegetation, she wondered how huge was the distance.
Inwardly hitting her head after remembering that globe Malakov created, it was still not precise enough to allow her to guess where she was. At the same time, this forest did not seem to be any different than the one near her base, or should she say, former base.Getting irritated for no reason, besides thinking useless stuff again and being to slow to remember things, the darkness surrounding her expanded and swallowed a nearby tree.
”No, no, no. I will kill all those dwarves if I stay like that. I hate this young Leilade.” She was barely conscious enough to know how she should act, but not enough to repress her personality. Searching the surroundings, she found an unlucky group of travelers that were calmly sleeping. Only one was still up, and from the looks of it, they had gathered many herbs and plants. Not caring whether the awake human saw her or not, she approached the group.
Since she was way above the ground, the sentry did not even notice the strange black and white girl looking at him from above. Neither did he notice that the night was getting a hell of a lot colder and darker. Subconsciously shivering a bit, he pulled his clothes closer to him, in an attempt at warming himself. Looking left and right and seeing his friends still sleeping without making a sound, he was feeling better. Or at least, that was his last thought.
Looking at the blue soul that was in her hand, she carefully manipulated little threads of mana to turn it into something useful. A few minutes later, she had created a pale version of an alarm. Fundamentally, she used it to just allow her body, or what looked like a body, to keep moving while she was dealing with her fractured soul. Not knowing how long it would take and not wanting to miss the big river, that was her best option.
Retreating inside her mind, she saw the more or less ten Leilade playings everywhere, some happily singing together while others were fighting to the death. However, none approached the one that had the same colors as the physical main body, who was calmly reading a book. Even now, the real soul of Leilade was still in the same state, completely darkened besides her white eyes and hair. Realizing that sending it to deal with the Archmage may have not been the best choice, she still accomplished her role perfectly.
Slowly taking care of each of the fragments, she eliminated the most belligerent ones first. She could not allow more problems to come up anymore. Without feeling time anymore, she had no idea that her presence was getting more and more known. If she was too fast to allow the humans to warn themselves, they were still able to report seeing her heading toward the fallen Kingdom of Pankow. But at the same time, conflicted hearings began to obscure what was really happening.
With the half-baked soul in charge of doing only one single thing, the darkness that usually spread were restrained by Leilade. Because of this, there was no attack anymore on any humans. This was fully displayed when one time, a hill had appeared and the soul had completely disregarded. But the adventurers on it that saw the ghost pass mere centimeters away from them were left terrified, all their muscles frozen in fear. Of course, none of them tried to even attack Leilade, since they had no idea what thing was.
On the other hand, the news that she had escaped from the spell of the Archmage was beginning to be heard everywhere inside Avenio. With the capital situated in the West, the region around Archet was one of the last to get it. So, the story about the ghost of a little girl flying silently without attacking anyone mixed up with the orders to avoid at all cost the fleeing Dark God. Thankfully, common sense dictated that in both cases, it was better to just flee in panic.
”So, here we are.” ”Yes indeed.” The two remaining Lelaide just stared at each other, one grinning happily while the other looked visibly irritated.The two were the complete opposite of each other, both in mentality or in colors. Closing the book she had in her hand, she threw it to the main persona. ”Here, take a look.” However, instead of listening to the annoying fragment of her soul, Leilade just burned it immediately.
”Don't you think I already know its empty? You already played that trick years ago. Now, be obedient and stop struggling.” Even now, some pages that were still burning began to fly around, showing their content. And as expected, even if the title seemed real, there was nothing else that was written. Curling up slightly, the young soul began to have tears in her black eyes. ”Why are you so mean? Can't you let me enjoy a bit of freedom?”