86 Life and Death, Black and White (1/2)

A New Dawn Innovation 52350K 2022-07-20

”Thank you for your patience, the Mayor will receive you shortly.” The male employee left the group of merchants in the hands of a beautiful employee. With the time, they were used to this and happily took a more comfortable position on top of their designated seats. As for the woman, she expertly dealt with all their grievances and complaints as it was nothing serious at all. Usually, those powerful men only enjoyed seeing her shape and gorgeous face, but today, was a bit different. None of them could really put their fingers on it, but she seemed more … happy?

In fact, it was true. For the first time since her sister and her mother died, Gwendoline was happy. Not even her friends or the acquaintances she made when it was dark in the night managed to achieve this. And, if in a very remote part of her brain, her conscience desperately tried to make her realize it was just an illusion, she didn't care. She embraced the mirage with all her might, fearing that it will leave her alone like she was.

This feeling of happiness was highly contagious, and those men weren't spare either. Without noticing it, they suddenly were in an excellent mood. Without knowing the reason why they were here, one could think that they were celebrating a joyous occasion. In fact, it wasn't necessary to talk about grave subjects, but more about a certain apprehension of some of their friends concerning the general movements of both Avenio and Massalia. Because Archet was quite close to the border, they hoped that the Mayor could give them a feeling of security in the near future.

When the male employee came back to inform them that they could finally come in, he was perplexed by the joyous mood. Most of the people present in this room were shrewd merchants, and while they were friends in appearance, it was just good business. If anyone of them asked another to help him do something that would make him lost even a single gold coin, it would be immediately refused. But now, they were happily chatting like they were blood brothers. Even the female employee was doing the same thing, forgetting her status.

Even after coughing two or three times, they didn't stop and he had to raise his voice to finally be heard. Sending a peculiar gaze at Gwendoline, he only questioned inwardly the strangeness of the situation. However, as the hours passed and the numerous visitors came, the mood was never bad. Even when an enemy of the mayor approached, asking for compensation, he still succumbed to the jovial mood. Leaving before even meeting him, he excused himself, saying that it was nothing and that it could wait a few more days.

By now, one needed to be stupid to not notice that Gwendoline was radiating an energy so strong that one couldn't be mad after receiving it. The other employees, especially the female ones that had to suffer the constant harassment and improper touching, pressured her to admit what happened to her. But all they received was a radiant smile and a very strange sentence. That she finally was happy. As for what or who provoked this sudden change, one could only wonder.

Far from this calm and peaceful city of the Republic of Avenio, another woman was currently dealing with the aftermath of meeting an escapee of the Demonic Empire. But unlike the lucky Gwendoline, she had received a fate far more constraining. After the massacre of the Academy, like it was later called, Muirnë never really had the time to rest. Even with her father and her brother defending her, the princes, and especially Ferrod, never stopped suspecting her.

As for her poor and frail sister, Istuienn, she locked herself in her room, inside the Gwendhir manor, and never left it. She was still traumatized by Leilade, especially after knowing that she was not human at all. The young child felt threatened, fearing that the monster will come back and kill her in her sleep. Remembering all the things she did and said against Leilade, she could only shudder at the inhumane torture she would receive if she ever was captured by the dark god.

Facing this, both her father and her brother were helpless, not knowing what to do. With the absence of her mother and more generally of a maternal presence, the family was in dismay. If someone learned that the Sword Saint, someone capable of fighting an entire army by himself, was helpless against a little girl, Idhrenil Gwendhir would be ridiculed. But the clumsy father could only knock softly on the door of Istuienn, inquiring whether she felt better or not.

Only Muirnë and a few maids could enter without receiving an unstable [Fireball] on their head. The wall was darkened by the numerous impacts of that magic, but past the initial shock, even the maids were now used to this. They did try one time to clean it, only to be threatened of death if they dare do such a thing. The head of the family could only shake his head after learning this. After taking care of her sister and trying to comfort her, Muirnë left without a sound the manor and headed toward the city.

Her white armor was easily noticeable, and with the two knights following her, none dared to stop her for even a second. The usual citizens that walked in this part of the city knew very well who it was, as for the others, the menacing armors deterred them from having any idea. Naturally, a path was formed in the dense crowd and the princess managed to reach her destination without any worries.

The imposing building that stood in front of her was one that only a few people sought in their lives. Comparing it to the crowded streets where people had a hard time to walk, the surroundings of it were so empty that it was even hard to find someone willing to walk on it. The numerous guards patrolling didn't help on that side.

Entering the prison of Teldil, neither Murinë or the two knights following her needed to present anything at the entrance. All the guards in their path quickly dashed to the side and saluted them. Not even the entire prison reunited would have the guts to make the daughter of the Sword Saint angry. And the commandant in charge of it was no exception.

”Princess Muirnë, your presence honors this humble establishment. What does the family Gwendhir need from us?” The man bowed lowlier than even the entrance guard, visibly worried by her sudden apparition. As for why she didn't even want to know. The only thing the population and the crown cared was whether someone escaped or not. Since the answer was no, the entire prison could become a small kingdom that no one would battle an eye.

”You don't have to worry about whatever shenanigans you were up to. Even if you dealt with the White Hands, that wouldn't matter to our family. I heard that you caught the serial killer of the southern area, is it true?”

The old man finally breathed a bit after hearing the pardon granted by Muirnë. As for the serial killer, it was true that he was caught and sentenced to die in a few days, but how was it related to the princess? Looking at her, he couldn't even saw her expression between her helmet. Cursing inwardly the princess for not even being agreeable, he answered meekly.