63 What we need? (1/2)
”So that was all? Murdering our magicians and magus that defied her but leaving without doing anything else? For a dark god, she sure wasn't that bloodthirsty.” The man saying those words was drinking a cup of wine while looking at the exterior. From his point of view, he had a clear vision of the entire city of Teldil, the capital of the Massalia Kingdom. Under him, hundreds of thousands of people were working, idling or enjoying their life. Without any knowledge about what was happening barely a few kilometers away.
The three sole magus that survived this ordeal were kneeling on the ground, not contradicting their king the slightest. Whether it was Sarah, Arthar or Artour, none of them really understood what was the goal of Leilade, even after talking with her so many times. The only one that understood the demon was the late Alexander, and, when she thought about him, magus Meridil couldn't help but be pained. They should have listened to that arrogant and cold bastard when they had the chance.
”Idhrenil, something else to add?” Casually asking to the Sword Saint his opinion, the man never let go of his cup. It was one of his main default, loving to drink while hearing bad news. For whatever reasons, his thoughts were clearer in a state of being mildly drunk. And after hearing what the first warrior of this nation had to say, another drink wouldn't really hurt him.
”That thing, that undead that was created. From what we discovered, it was invocated in a few seconds. And, I am afraid to say, just one was capable of battling with my son, Amdir with relative ease. I managed to disarm it and slow it down to let enough time for the magicians gathered around to freeze him. After that, they put more and more locks on its body, but it never stopped trying to break free. It will be good to study it, but its power rival the ones from the fallen of Pankow.”
Because he had his back facing them, they couldn't see the reactions of their sovereign, except him sniffing a bit the exquisite cup in his hand. A wine from Genablum, more specifically, from the Grey Lands. But while his complexion was unknown, the ones from the rest of the room were bad, for most. Sitting on a couch nearby, the Queen, their first son and his wife were hardly containing their fear. On the other side, standing on the side of a closet, the second son was shaking his head, disappointed.
”About that, why did that monster didn't attack everyone?” Ferrod, the youngest child of the King suddenly asked this question. It took some times for the rest to understand what he meant because everything pointed at the fact that the undead attacked everyone that harmed it or entered the library.
”What are you asking, prince?” Idhrenil was also slightly perplexed. He knew very well what he was talking about, but only him and his son should have learned the fact that Muirnë managed to slip by before they even arrived and see the dark god looking scared at a painting without them. Because it would cause unnecessary suspicion, they decided to say that she entered the room when they distracted the monster and only caught a glimpsed before that demonic girl was teleporting away.
Her second encounter with Leilade, even if it was very brief, provoked an immense pain in its body. It was not very obvious at first, but when she left the building and arrived at the location where the massacre happened, she suddenly began to violently shake. Even with her entire armor, he could felt that she was experiencing something horrible and could hear her mumbling some encouragements for herself. Only after leaving in a hurry, did the symptoms were alleviated.
”I am talking about your daughter, Sword Saint. She apparently helped at preventing numerous deaths, something that we are all very grateful. She was the first to realize that the undead was only retaliating but it didn't remove the fact that everyone that entered the library should have been attacked. However, even if you and your son managed to capture the attention of that undead, why did he targeted you and not your daughter? Because she entered the library long before you imprison that monster.”
Even if those words could sound like the Sword Saint lied to them, no one was truly taking them seriously. To begin to doubt your most loyal and faithful friends in dark times would be the most stupid idea someone ever had. ”Ferrod, enough. We have no idea what was the main priority of that giant, to kill or to protect. Under the assault of Amdir Gwendhir, even an undead would realize that turning its back will only cause its own death.”
The king cut instantly his own son, not letting any conspiracy or thoughts of treason planning in this room. They needed to be united, not divided. But that intervention was enough to make others think about it, as his second son.
”Sword Saint, you said that your daughter saw that girl standing in front of one specific painting, right? But from the entire chronology of the Age of Darkness, it was the one with the least amount of details or even less than that. It was just the fact that when the dark gods appeared for the first time, a loud roar resonated and a volcano inside the dwarf kingdom awoken. Are you sure it was this one?”
To be truthful, it wasn't that they were not trusting the words of Idhrenil, just that it was weird.Chasing after Arthar and the old artifact he was carrying would have been logical. Slaughtering to the last student the entire Academy would have been understood. But to delve deeper and deeper into the library, and just be interested in a single painting, it didn't make sense for anyone.
”Maybe … Maybe we should ask the dwarves if they know something more about that specific event?” For the first time, the wife of Forchon, the first son of the King, expressed her opinions. It wasn't that women didn't have any power since sometimes, the kingdom was ruled by the Queen and not the King. But she was not even from Massalia in the first place and had married the prince a year ago.
She was the third child of the royal family of Genablum, and such things often happened in the history of both countries. To strengthen the bond between the two nations, what could be better than just letting two of their children marry each other. But because it was only a while ago, Galiana still had a hard time being taken seriously. For many nobles, she was just the best spy of Genablum, since she had the benediction of the royal family.