59 A not so Friendly Punishmen (2/2)
”Of course, I get it now. We wanted her to motivate the princess. And what better motivation that nearly killing her and transforms into a nightmare for her existence. That was a touch of sarcasm.” Alexander had to justify with the last sentence. By now, he had a good grasp of how Leilade was capable of exacting extreme actions when pressured. Finally looking at the very culprit of this, he saw nothing but a clear conscience. And because they both knew what was her past, they couldn't even really judge her at all. She was already robbed of her childhood once, and because of them, she couldn't even regain it.
”Leilade, do you know what you did wrong?” The venerable elder inquired about what was bothering his mind. Whether she was aware of her actions or not. But for the disguised human, it was just a calm and refreshing holiday, waiting for her subordinates to slowly change the world.
”No, I did nothing wrong. The spell of Leon should have been able to protect Istuienn from any of my attacks. I planned to restlessly launch fireballs after fireballs, until she fought back. But I was shocked to see that she was more harmless than a bunny, I only thought that as the daughter of the Sword Saint, she should at least keep her composure.”
Everything she said was totally logic, from a certain point of view, but for the two adults, it was fatally flawed. The two humans looked at each other and both shook their head, signaling to the other that he didn't warn Leilade about it. To explain to someone that survived tortures and experiments from the evil hands of the Church of Torment that the princess should be handled with tact was pure nonsense.
”Yes, you did nothing wrong. You tried something but that failed, it is normal. No one is perfect and can do everything at their first try. So, for now, you will not do anything, and I meant it, DON'T DO ANYTHING TO ISTUIENN! For our sake.”
If someone heard the one in charge of punishing, hunting and capturing rogue magicians nearly begging a mere child, that person would be shocked. But as much as Alexander was inflexible with adults, he had a hard time dealing with children. As for Arthar, he was only nodding in accordance, because his inner feelings were the same. But before talking about anything else, the Head Researcher still wanted to see what was the [Fireball] Leilade created.
Taking barely a second to cast it, a relatively big fireball appeared in the hand of Leilade. Under their wishes, she repeatedly created it and then canceled it. She used her right hand, then her left hand and her right hand again. The more she kept doing everything that smoothly, the more the smile blossomed on the faces of the two men. For them, it was the truth that she was really worth protecting and could maybe even protect Massalia in the future. But after the sun, rain and storm always come.
”The problem we have now is the fact that you still harm another student. Because it was in that area, it shouldn't have been a problem, but everyone normally informs my department of their intention of dueling. That way, only injuries provoked in a real and properly acknowledged duel can be void of any sanctions. As for bullying and fights outside of the rules, those are severely reprimanded. And you, unfortunately, belong to the latter part. If it was a normal student, I could have convinced him or her to not make it public, but it was Istuienn. So, I will have to punish you.”
The entire time, Alexander acted as a true magus with a calm and authoritative voice. It was visible that he truly cared about his functions and didn't even allow favoritism. But at the same time, it was still very hypocritical to do that, especially because it was partially because of Arthar that she faced Istuienn in a duel. And it was also her that started it, but nothing was pronounced against the precious princess.
”Fine, you already told me to cause some ruckus to have a personal lesson with you. When do we start?” The surprisingly joyous tone Leilade employed took everyone by surprise, especially with the content of her speech. Feeling the ardent stare of Arthar in his neck, Alexander couldn't help but chuckle a bit, feeling that the girl was punishing him more than he did. It was rare that this situation happened to him, but to be played by a child was shamefully funny.
”Cough, you didn't have to say that loudly. Also, it was before, when you could only receive general guidance from old man Moo, I mean teacher Oscar. Now, normally, you don't have to do anything, no better. Don't break any rules, even the most insignificant. Don't do it. It is useless now, but for this first time, I will oblige and do my part. I mean, since a certain someone is too busy to even do his work, I guess that …”
”Hey, I don't allow that last sentence to be pronounced. But now, I understand everything. I guess that Sarah will have a long discussion with you, especially to know everything that you kept hidden about that fascinating little girl. I guess that to have Istuienn a little bit traumatized is a low price if it is to have such a genius taught by you.”
The two kept bickering about everything they could until they realized that a long time already passed. Arthar rapidly left, pretending that he had a very important experiment that was happening right now and that it was very dangerous. Right after Alexander joked about it, they heard the sound of a resonating explosion, coming from above. Raising his eyebrows in a mocking way, Arthar finally left, letting Leilade with her newly found tutor.
Thinking that nothing could make the situation more troublesome, Alexander was ready to accompany her to a more secluded area. However, the moment he let Leilade pass first the door, he saw her stop in her tracks because someone was blocking her way. Recognizing the obstacle immediately, he truly wondered why he never appreciated how calm the Academy was previously.
”Why is she here father? And why did I just saw Istuienn in the office of Sarah, visibly perturbed?”