15 Thank You (1/1)
Thank You So MuchI… don't know what to say.
Truly, I'm very grateful and soo... happy right now.
I seriously can't believe that people actually read this, not this chapter, well this one too, but obviously I meant the novel. I'm err, not going to ask you about joining my ******* or anything, there is nothing really valuable there, but do check out the page at least if you're interested in the other novels that I'm working on. I always update the About info weekly every weekend, and uhm… I'm really sorry about all the paused and such, I'm literally writing as I come up with the words so… Again, there is nothing else I can say but thank you for sticking around and read through all these chapters.
Everyone might be asking themselves, ”Why these chapters don't have titles in them?”
There is a very simple explanation for this. I did it for my Main Novel and not this one, but why you might ask.
The reason is that I want to try doing it. I want to get the chapters out there without telling people what the chapter is about. Everyone has their own ”taste” when it comes to naming things, I'd like to let it be and let you all decide what was the chapter is about.
I feel like I shouldn't, you know like, forcing my thoughts and ”taste” to you all. I'm afraid it would ruin your experience if I start naming the chapters to the things that you don't like or just generally making some cringy titles. I mean, just look at the title of this novel… ;_; my inner self named it.
I've been waking up late at night to upload these. Since I don't have Wifi at home, I had to use mobile data to upload it, and the cheapest one I could find is the one that has a time limit and active time from 00-07. Recently, I have been struggling to write more chapters because of it. I'm too tired to think of the flow, like that. So, the upload might become inconsistent at this point onward but worry not. I will try to upload every day still.
This part is uhh, you should skip to the next section if you're under 18, it's not necessary to read. Some of you might know ”K goes to another world”, a series that I started to make alongside Reliving the Past. Is it abandoned or what? The answer is no, it's on-hold for now. I've been editing the old version of Reliving the Past, and I will make more chapters of K goes to another world after that.
One might wonder about why I keep making new series when one is not even remotely done. Is it because I'm bored with the main novel? Am I jumping ships? Can I even really finish them all at this point, especially since I'm not a professional writer.
All these questions might pop up at some point.
I love all my stories. From my first dead novel all the way to this one. I'm not making new novels because of those reasons. Sometimes when a story pop up in my head, I tend to keep it there alone. But when I really like it and want to share it with everybody, that's the time the new novel was born... when this novel... was born.
Will I be able to finish them all? We'll see.
Again, this is the most boring section of all.
I'm really thankful for people that are reading this, any of you, I love you all. Despite the crappy book cover, the cringy titles, short chapters, all of you here that read this, reading through all of that… are breathtaking. You, no matter what everyone said, you have made my day by simply reading this. Thank you so, so much.