1 Chapter 1 (1/2)

Ekolia Lite ImpAntique 16350K 2022-07-20


In a certain high school and in a certain classroom of third years high schoolers. There is a girl who is cleaning someone else's shoes.

The girls sneered at her. She was being forced to clean someone's shoes. The girl whose shoes are being cleaned, looking down on her fiercely. ”Hey, do it properly” she said.

The girl who is cleaning it, her hands trembled and it's making the handkerchief shaking. ”Y-Yes, miss Tokaya”

”Tch, you're so slow” Tokaya rose from her seat, ”Go buy me some juice, I'm thirsty.”

”Ahh, y-yes, miss…” the girl stood up, but stay still. ”Why are you still here?” said Tokaya in an irritated tone. ”A-uhm, t-the money…”

”What, you don't have money to buy me some juice!?”

”Err, uhm, I-I… I do, miss. I'll b-bring it to your right away”

”Then go already!”

The girl startled, ”Y-Yes”

She nervously ran toward the door and then leave the classroom.

The woman is standing in front of a vending machine filled with drinks. She took out her wallet and take out her money. The girl's wallet was packed.

She pushed the button on the vending machine and then take out some of the drinks, ”Miss Tokaya doesn't like carbonated drinks and coffee, so these might be good enough for her. Also, her friends share her taste too, miss Anko and Chika.”

The girl stared at the glass and saw a reflection of herself. Long eyelashes and some piercing blue colored eyes, she has thin lips and overall face like an idol with their long hair smooth like silk. Her body is on the bustier side, having quite the centimeters on her chest, an expert on this field would recognize it instantly that… it's a D Cup.

Her body is so slender and quite sporty too, it is hard to imagine a girl such as herself would be kneeling in front of someone while wiping their shoes.

She thought, 'Oddly enough, I don't have any bruises on me ever since I started high school.'