Part 3 (1/2)
While Cousin Giles was paying one of his visits, and as it was near the luncheon hour at the hotel, he advised Fred and Harry to return there, pro soon to follow theh!” they both exclailiskoy Nabergenoy--that's it--the English Quay Oh, we shall get along fa this, they ju their directions as well as could any Russian, they thought, away they drove
They were then in the Vasiliefskoi Ostrof quarter, or on Basilius Island This is the nae island which is to the north of the e, and s before lisha variety of novel and curious sights on their way; but, forgetting to take due note of the direction in which they were going, they passed along the quay, and over one of the floating bridges, and then through souards stationed at the corners of streets in every quarter of the city They wereto their heels, with huge battle-axes on long poles in their hands, and helmets on their heads What use they were of it was difficult to say, for they certainly could not have run after a thief, ns, also, in front of the shops appeared very ridiculous Instead of the display of articles e boards over the doors and s, and their sides, and under the s, painted with gigantic designs representing the chief articles to be found within Huge gloves and stockings, and cravats and pocket-handkerchiefs, and boots and shoes, and coats and trousers, and hats and caps, and knives and forks and spoons--indeed, it is impossible to enumerate all the articles thus represented
”Those are e lyphics, Harry,” said Fred; ”I daresay, now, that the Egyptians had so of the sort in their shop s before they knerite”
”It is a capital sort of language,” replied Harry, ”because, you see, the mujicks, who do not kno to read, and ho don't understand Russian, both understand it equally well”
”The best universal language,” reularly in the world, it would save a great deal of trouble But I say, Harry, where have we got to? I am sure we have never been here before”
They had been so ae in the style of architecture of the streets through which they were passing
They were now in a region of low houses, although of considerable size,two storeys
”I alish Quay”
Harry, who sat in front, on this began to pull the ishvoshtstick by his badge, and then by his sleeve, to make him stop The fellow either would not or could not understand that they wanted to stop At last he pulled up, and looked over his shoulder
”I say, Harry, do you relish Quay? For, on otten it,” exclai very like Mustapha in the tale of _The Forty Thieves_, when he forgets the talismanic words, ”Open sesame”
”I'm sure I don't know exactly, but I'll try and see if I can't make the fellow understand,” answered Harry ”I say, you cabdrivowitch, cut away to the English Quayoi!”
The man shook his head and sat still, as much as to say, ”I don't understand you, my masters”
”What's to be done? He doesn't seem to think my Russian very first-rate,” said Harry
”I say, old felloe are very hungry, and want to get back to our inn to luncheon,” cried Fred, iht idea see on his horse, he drove rapidly onward Harry thought that he had fully comprehended them He pulled up, however, very soon before a door, over which were painted pieces of lasses Evidently it was an eating-house, but the lads would not avail themselves of its accommodation, for two reasons--they did not knohat to ask for, and they had no Russian money in their pockets; they therefore shook their heads, and signed to the driver to go on
The ht them very unreasonable and hard to please, but obeyed It was soon clear to the to the outskirts of the city, and they were about trying to , whonised even at a distance as English seahted to find that one was their shi+pmate, old Tom
He hailed theto a shi+p at Cronstadt, he had got leave for the
”But I say, Tom, can you tell us where we are?” said Fred
”That's just ere going to ask you,” replied old To soot into the Pacific without a chart or compass”
”What is to be done?” exclaimed Fred; ”this stupid fellow does not understand a e say, and though we have told hi ti, one the other By this time two or three other ishvoshtsticks had stopped with their vehicles near the strangers, but could no o
”If we could but get back to the large square with the big statue in it of Peter on horseback on a rock, we could find our way to the inn easily enough,” said Fred
Old To out his hand?”
he asked