Chapter 574: Take it Back to the Bros to Add More Protein to the Meal Part One (1/2)
Chapter 574: Take it Back to the Bros to Add More Protein to the Meal (Part One)
Xu Cheng asked, “Why?”
The guard grinned. “With just yourself, try to pass this station by force. That way, we can use the reason that we can’t defend against you to give you a pass. The validity period is one week. Then, you will have to apply again by force.”
Xu Cheng was confused. “Why just one week?”
The guard: “Because after one week, our soldiers here will become stronger, and you will have to try again.”
Xu Cheng nodded. “Then I will apply for one week first. Sure, bring it out, I will give it a try.”
The guard whistled, and soon, a hundred soldiers grouped up urgently and got into formation.
Xu Cheng took a look at them. They all weren’t the super burly type, but they were well-built. From the tight muscles on their body, he could tell that those muscles weren’t gained at the gym, but rather from continuous exercise and battle. This kind of muscle had more explosive strength and could easily stomp gym-born muscle men that got their gains from protein powder and hormones.
When Xu Cheng walked over and opened the iron gate, the detector at the gate detected the gun on him. The soldier said to him, “Give up your gun.”
Xu Cheng raised his arm. The soldier took his gun, tossed it into a basket, and gestured with his head for him to walk over.
Xu Cheng walked past him and arrived in front of a hundred soldiers with steel police batons. Those were definitely solid.
“You guys are going to be using weapons too?” Xu Cheng asked.
“If we don’t use batons, we are afraid of hurting our hands. What if some people organize a team to come every day to tire us out? What do we do? So, with batons, at least our knuckles wouldn’t hurt from beating the crap out of you.” The soldier sneered. “If you are scared, you can get back to your car. That’s also your choice.”