Chapter 542: Let’s Play What You Are Good At – Memory Part One (1/2)

Chapter 542: Let’s Play What You Are Good At – Memory (Part One)

Yan Jingfan almost loved Xu Cheng to death.

If he guessed one right, that would be a hundred million!

In a deck of cards, conservatively speaking, even if he just remembered the first 10, that would be a billion! And for a professional like him, it was really not hard to remember 10. He would even try to remember more cards, and on a good day, he could even remember 20! Even if Xu Cheng got lucky and remembered the first 10, after equaling that out, he could still make a billion after that.

As for the world record of 30 seconds to remember the whole deck, in fact, that was probably just a special one-time case to achieve the ultimate show effect. That person probably couldn’t do it on every attempt.

Yan Jingfan felt that it was time for him to show off his real skills.

He couldn’t help but praise Xu Cheng, playing this game would not only get him free money but also allow him to show the crowd his skill as a professional to be able to remember so many cards in such a short amount of time.

He couldn’t feel more excited about this game, since it could be a golden opportunity not only to show off but to attract more fans.

“This guy’s done. The money we just lost, I think I can win it back,” he said to Young Master Lee.

Young Master Lee was also very excited. He was just thinking about how to win the money back, but who knew, Xu Cheng would propose such a game that was right up his alley, or so that was what he thought.

“Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go,” Yan Jingfan said.

At this time, Xu Cheng suddenly said, “If one of us gets it all right, then it would be basically breaking the world record, right? Then shouldn’t we add a bit of a bonus on top of that? Such as, the one that gets the whole deck right gets an extra billion?”

“Perfectly right?” Yan Jingfan sneered. “I don’t even have the confidence to say that, where are you getting yours?”

“Then just add it?” Xu Cheng said.

“Then let’s add that. Whoever gets the whole deck right, the opponent has to give an extra billion! Everyone at the scene can be a witness,” Yan Jingfan said cheerfully.