Chapter 111: It’s My Turn Now Part two (1/2)
Chapter 111: It’s My Turn Now (Part two)
Qianye Zhenyi nodded, and then he immediately said loudly, “Okay, since Mr. Xu likes to play this game, then let’s play it. However, it’s very difficult to accurately guess the other person’s number, so will there be no winner if both sides can’t get the right number?”
Xu Cheng: “Correct, we must accurately guess the number, and there’s no winner if we are off by even one.”
Qianye Zhenyi bitterly smiled. “Then we might as well not play, because both of us probably can’t get it right.”
Xu Cheng: “Oh, really? So you don’t have the balls to play?”
Hearing how Xu Cheng was trash-talking, all the spectators began booing Qianye Zhenyi, especially the people from Huaxia, as they all looked at this Wei Nation dude with disdain since he was acting all high and mighty just moments ago.
“I can definitely beat you if we add or take 2 off the final number we roll. For example, if the numbers you rolled is 25, then it will count as me winning if my guess is within 23 or 27, how about that? Do you dare to play? I know you are just trying to make the game have no winner, and that’s just boring.”
Xu Cheng smiled. “Sure, then we will do just that. Mr. Qianye, you are our guest to this country, you can pick how many dice you want to go with.”
Qianye Zhenyi: “I won’t bully you, you can pick.”
Xu Cheng: “Then let’s play with 10.”
Qianye Zhenyi: “Good!”
The staff immediately brought over the dice. Xu Cheng and Qianye Zhenyi each inspected the gadgets, and then Xu Cheng said to Qianye Zhenyi, “You can go first.”
Actually, it didn’t matter who went first, and Qianye Zhenyi didn’t decline. He grabbed onto the shaker cup and moved it in one motion on the table, smoothly eating up all the dice. This performance immediately had the crowd applauding, since it was very difficult to eat all the dice in one swing, and it was clear that this man was very skilled.
Dadadadadada… The dice were knocking around inside the cup under Qianye Zhenyi’s hand.
And if it was a movie, at this time, the protagonist would probably close his eyes and listen carefully with his ears. But in reality, Xu Cheng just lit a cigarette and sat there, all relaxed.
On the side, seeing how calm Xu Cheng was, Shen Yao was a bit fascinated as she muttered to herself, “I just like how pretentious this d-bag is.”
Qianye Zhenyi’s cup was suddenly lifted into the air and then slammed back down onto the desk.