808 I want the you whos like this (1/2)

As a way to organize his thoughts, Seiji decided to call the previous timeline with so many people dying the Destruction Timeline. This current timeline he was in would be called the New Timeline.

Voidfire from the Destruction Timeline, or Destruction Voidfire for short, had given Seiji a password. As long as Seiji told this password to New Voidfire, the Voidfire from the New Timeline, it was highly likely that he could convince New Voidfire to change his actions and avoid the Destruction Timeline fate for the city.

However, there was a serious problem with this.

Seiji didn't know what Destruction Voidfire's password meant.

If this password somehow let New Voidfire learn that Seiji possessed the ability to travel back into the past, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even if New Voidfire didn't act on this information immediately, it was highly likely that he might do something with this information in the future, perhaps leaking this information to other members of the Messengers. This would probably end up causing something terrible and unexpected.

Seiji didn't want to have to worry about this every day. He wanted even less to be forced to load far back into the past back to before this point if this became a big problem in the future. And, if his ability was leaked, he might not even get a chance to load in the worst case scenario.

That was why Seiji preferred to contact New Voidfire through Kamitani instead of using Voidfire's password and cell phone number. Seiji would try and convince New Voidfire by saying that he had a prophecy about the future.

Compared to the ability to go back in time, a highly accurate prophecy would be less risky.

Still, this also had its dangers. A truly working prophecy ability would forever be highly valuable. It was just that the spiritual society seriously doubted the veracity of all prophecies, which was why this would be much safer. Not to mention, Seiji could make up all sorts of excuses, such as by saying that it was difficult to activate this type of prophecy magic, that there was a great cost, a particularly long cooldown… etc., etc.

While this was less risky for himself, it caused the current problem that Seiji was facing—New Voidfire's distrust.

It seemed quite difficult to convince New Voidfire to change his actions based only on a prophecy.

Or, another way of saying it was that it would be very difficult to change Voidfire's suspicions, so Seiji had trouble continuing down this path.

In that case, he would either have to say the password right now, or load to the Destruction Timeline to talk to Destruction Voidfire again in an effort to obtain more information.

Seiji felt like loading back to that time would be a good idea. Still, how could he get Destruction Voidfire to tell him more specific information? There was also the problem of how long they could talk for.

Seiji figured that this was unlikely. If he contacted Destruction Voidfire faster, this would only attract the Sakura Catastrophe Goddess's attention faster as well. In the end, the time to talk wouldn't be increased.

In that case, the issue was how to swiftly convince Destruction Voidfire to give Seiji more information in a short amount of time.

…The critical point was still the password!

Seiji managed to come up with a conclusion after organizing his thoughts.

He didn't need to tell the password to New Voidfire. Instead, he could tell the password to Destruction Voidfire!

Having Destruction Voidfire hear the password would likely be the fastest way to obtain his trust. After all, he was the one who told Seiji about the password… And even if it didn't work, there would be no harm in trying, since Seiji had already decided to give up on the Destruction Timeline. No matter what the password meant, Seiji wouldn't have to worry about any potential future consequences.

Seiji made up his mind.

”Indeed, I don't know the specific connection between your actions and the destruction that I saw,” Seiji admitted after his long period of silence. ”Even if you stop your attack on Soul Society, it might be true that the destruction won't be avoided. I probably thought of things too simply and naively… So, just do as you like, Voidfire-san.”

Seiji then pretended to be disappointed as he started to leave.

”Wait a moment.” Voidfire stopped him. ”That's all…? Are you willing to leave things like this, Seiji Haruta?”

Seiji stopped walking away.

”What else can I do even if I'm unwilling? I believed too much in my own prophecy, so I tried to change the future like an idiot… All I can do is to notify you of the potential danger, Voidfire-san.”

”You can do far more,” Voidfire stated. ”Your power should be much stronger.”

'That's right, immediately after I finish talking to you, I'm going to jump back into a future timeline to obtain more information from your future self, and then come back here to talk to you again,' Seiji thought to himself.

Seiji didn't want to use his save and load ability right in front of Voidfire. Maybe he was being overly cautious, but Seiji felt it would be safer to say goodbye and leave first.

However, Voidfire seemed to have a different idea.