619 Excellent! Come!! (1/2)

”Sakuraku-san wants to use me in dealing with more powerful monsters still inside here?” Seiji sharpened his gaze.

”That's right. That's why I invited you to come here with me,” Miyuki admitted.

'I see…'

”Thank you for your expectations of me. I hope that I won't disappoint you.”

”I definitely won't be disappointed, as long as you show off the same level of strength as last time.”

The two of them continued.

With the assistance of the singer's powerful shield buff, Seiji was easily able to eliminate the mob monsters he encountered. He also remained on guard against the potential blood moon debuff that might be inflicted upon him at any moment.

Seiji constantly remained vigilant so that he wouldn't be put into a dangerous situation due to receiving an unexpected debuff. However, no debuff appeared on him even after a long time. He wondered if this was a protective effect of Miyuki's barrier, so he asked her this directly.

”The barrier I cast on you doesn't have the ability to resist the blood moon's debuff. If you're still alright even now, that's completely because of you yourself, Harano-kun.” Miyuki explained this to him. ”As expected of Mr. Knight who possesses such a power.”

Seiji remained silent after hearing this.

Did he have a high resistance against the blood moon due to possessing [White Calamity]?

Seiji didn't think that would be the case. However, Miyuki's opinion meant that she believed the power of [White Calamity] to be some type of high-level curse-type spell. She believed him to have a great deal of control over high-level curses.

This was probably her misunderstanding… right?

Seiji was unsure.

Well, Miyuki didn't have any intentions of learning more about his ability. She simply wanted to take advantage of his power.

”How about you, Sakuraku-san? Have you been cursed by the blood moon?”

”Not yet. I have a way of dealing with it. Don't worry about me.”

After proceeding a bit further, Miyuki suddenly sensed something. She glanced upwards, only to see a giant shadow ambushing them at high speed!

The idol singer wanted to pull the boy behind her just like previously. However, she saw him suddenly extracting himself from a group of monsters and retreating at full speed.


The shadow descended but missed… No, it actually smashed a few demons into little pieces.

Both of them had managed to dodge the attack in time.

As Seiji retreated to the back, he saw Miyuki going up to fight a boss monster which resembled a bat. He felt that he finally had an opportunity to see how someone as powerful as her would fight.

But the next second, the bat monster let out a thick cloud of dark-gray mist… Why the hell were all the boss monsters in here like this!?

Were all the high-level monsters in this dungeon like this? They would fart immediately upon arrival… whoops, he meant release demon mist. They didn't even allow low level players to spectate at all.

'How am I supposed to have fun like this?' Seiji felt rather repressed.

The weaker demons surrounded him again, so once again he started playing tag with the demons.

The third, fourth, and fifth boss monsters all immediately released demon mist upon arrival. As a result, Seiji was completely unable to see just how Miyuki defeated them.

It was nice that he was able to train in a high-level dungeon. He was receiving good experience from slaying so many demons. However, Seiji felt rather helpless about not being able to watch the high-level player's fighting.

After such a long time in here, both Seiji and Miyuki were already quite tired.

”The next one should be the last one. Are you still alright to go on, Harano-kun?”

”Of course. How about you, Sakuraku-san?”

”I'm a little tired, so I would like to leave the last boss up to you, Mr. Knight. I'll just stand on the sidelines and sing to support you.” Miyuki chuckled.

'So she's going to give me the last, most difficult boss monster to deal with? How vicious.' Seiji's cheek twitched.

Still, at least she was telling him beforehand. If she had such an arrangement, this meant she was confident that he could handle it.

”I'll be more than happy to do my best and work as hard as I can… but please act to assist me if I can't meet Sakuraku-san's expectations.”

”You'll lose points if you lack confidence in yourself, you know.”

”I feel that knowing one's limits should give me more points,” Seiji replied with a serious expression.

Miyuki chuckled to see him like this.

”I'm beginning to like you even more, Harano-kun. So relax, I won't let you die.”

Seiji and Miyuki proceeded up a mountainside. They didn't meet any more demons along the way. The more they ascended, the more they felt an imposing aura and bloody scent.

Seiji felt that all this seemed familiar.

He already guessed at the identity of the final boss monster. This made Seiji start looking forward to the showdown.

He also recalled past memories which kept raising his passion and making his blood heat up.

Finally, Seiji and Miyuki reached the top of the mountain.