97 Kintra true identity (1/2)

Ken'tra lead Kenshi and Ashi into a large circular room that had a massive dome as the roof.

once Kenshi and Ashi were inside the door slide shut.

” What is going on?” Ashi said ” is this a trap?” she drew her blade and lunged at Kin'tra.

”wait, stop! you don't understand!

Kin'tra jumped out just as Kin'tras blade grazed her check.

Kin'tra tripped she cried out as Kin'tra came in for the kill.

Suddenly she heard the clashing of stell as Kenshi blocked Ashis attack

A beeping sound could be heard from Kin'tras glove, the glove glowed blue ” Now you decided to work you stupid machine”

Kin'tra quickly pressed two buttons once she did the room lit up in a dark blue light

Ashi and Kenshi put away there blades and turned to Kin'tra ” Where exactly are we?” Ashi said

Kin'tra pressed several buttons on her glove and the dome surrounding the room rolled down revealing a pathway of rapidly speeding light surrounding them.

Kim'tra sat down in a chair, Vantres walked out of a anointing room holding two of the white gloves that Kin'tra was wearing and gave them to Kenshi and Ashi

” Before you put those on I owe you guys a explain.” Kin'tra said she sighed there was no easy way to say what she was going to say but at this point she had no other choice The Kin were after her now,again.

” I am a Beyonder Myself and my Father have watched as well as acted a major part in your lives. Ryi'june.”