35 Lord Ryijune Draghoul (1/1)
It had been years since the reset and only Ryi'june and Nexus knew of the old Tylingariea. All in the rest of the Multiverse were unaware of there altered lives.
Ryi'june could not understand how he had come back, He had sacrificed himself to become The Tree of Xendar for nothing.
His mind had gone over countless scenarios on what would happen if Lupine came back. But over the years Lupine never came.
Ryi'june construed that Lupine was destroyed in the reset. Until, that evening, Ryi'june was eating his meal of wine and smoked chicken.
Ryi'june gasped as a tall liquidy figure came out of his wine goblet.
The figure opened his gasly mouth and said in a ghoulish voice ” beware the son of your motal foe!”
Ryi'june did not know what to say to this message from behind the realm of the living.
So Ryi'june nodded and said ” As you commend spirt.”