5 Ember Grey (1/1)

The cold spring rain was dripping off of Embers bomber jacket as he rushed under tin roofs to not get the skin on his cyborg arm wet.

there was a crack and a boom,

Ember sighed and looked out Section Nines streets were flooded with rainwater as the heavens began to pour rain down.

Ember sat down he was in a old abandoned house, and from the looks of outside for a while.

Ember touched the skin on his right arm, it feels human after a few days the fabric will bind to your arm creating a human skin like cushion around the cyborg arm.

Ember thought about this and tore the fabric off. Ember stood up and checked to make sure he had everything.

Ember always wore the jacket that his mother made for him and on his back he had his fathers sword, Demonsong on his back.

Ember walked out into the rain water dripping off of his Cybernetic arm. The New Order had to be stopped and Ember, The last of the Dark El'tare, will do anything possible to stop them.

The rain had slowed down to a drizzle by the time he had reached his home, a small cabin outside of Bellrook.

Ember took off his jacket and hung it up. revealing his whole right side was cyborgnetic.

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”Damn, those New Order Soldiers need to work on there aim.” Ember said as he sat down.

There aim may have been off but he did get stabbed by a Dragonnight blade. its deadly poison was flowing though his system as he laid down.

Ember closed his eyes and rested letting the poison overtake him. His heart stopped,

Ember found himself in a destroyed empty void. he looked up and saw two figures engulfed in white.

Ember was about to go with them but a tall grey figure walked up behind him and said ” no, it is not time” the figure pushed Ember backwards