Part 63 (1/2)

There was nothing visible but soft green rolling cliff top, and he looked vainly for soht caution, and not knowing but what Raht have taken one direction to lure the pursuers ahile thein another

But, as he waited and scanned the place around, he suddenly caught sight of what seee of a cliff which rose up rapidly, and his heart gave a great throb

”Let Ram play what tricks he likes,” he said, ”I knohere I a up, followed by the ot away!”

”No,” cried Archy excitedly ”I think I can lead you to the foxes'

hole This way”

And, as he spoke, there came in rapid succession a couple of dull thuds from seaward, and a cheer from the crew behind, as, led by Archy Raystoke, thecliff top at a trot


The discovery of the way through the cliff made clear to Archy several matters connected with the appearance and disappearance of Ram and his companion with the boat, for upon more than one occasion it had seemed impossible that they could have rowed six ain And, excited as thealong over the top of the down-like cliff

On looking back beyond the first boat's crew, the head of the second crew could be seen as they reached the top of the zigzag path, where the boatsaited till the last ave the word for the that he was so well supported, the ht have to back theested that the lers' cave, and then leave theh to talk about that, Mr Gurr,” said Archy rather breathlessly, ”e have found the place”

”But I thought you had found it, my lad!”

”After the tricks played us, I shall not be certain until I see you all right in the cave”

”But you think it's close here?”

”Yes; unless I areat cliff where the grass runs right up to the edge”

”Then if it's there, and those fellows have gone in, we'll find the way, and go in too”

”Oh!” ejaculated Archy, stopping short

”What's the matter, lad?--hurt?”

”No The place is dark as pitch, and we have no lights”

”Then we'll strike some with our pistol locks, and set fire to soh for theh for us, lad Let's find the way in, and that will be enough They won't show fight Let's get on, and we shall bethem all out tied two and two before they're ed undulating top of the cliffs, till, after a careful inspection in all directions, Archy declared that they must now be over the cavern

The second boat's crew had overtaken the this information, the round after the fashi+on observed on the previous night

”You must find it now, ot to look for is a hole pretty well grown over with green stuff right up at the end of a bit of a gully, and looking as if no one had been there for a hundred years”

”Yes, so like the mouths of the old quarries we have seen,” added Archy