Part 3 (1/2)

dick rose unwillingly, planted the upturned bucket oncebucket froain rather nervously, he once ainst the cow's side, and prepared to ain, and dick bounded away, saving hi this time as he was prepared, andthe perspiration frohter, and the lieutenant bade dick try again

Thelook which seeo, but don't ask me to do this”

”Colanced wistfully at Archy, shaking his head at hiain, he looked into it with his rugged brown face full of despair

”It's quite e

”Yes, sir; there's nowt in it, and,” he added to hiain he settled himself into his place in as businesslike a way as a farm lad would as accustoave her tail a swing, lifted her leg, and planted it in the bucket, holding it down on the deck

”Pail's full,” cried Archy; and theto control his own an to pat and apostrophise the cow

”Coo oot o' the boocket, my bairn;” and to the astonishain on deck

”Well done, my lad,” cried the lieutenant ”Now, then, look sharp with the hed, wiped his hands down the sides of his breeches, and began oncehands accustoave a orous kick than ever; away flew the bucket, and over went dick on his back

He sprung up angrily now in the hter, and touched his forehead to his coood, sir; she's a beef cow, and not a milker”

”You don't know your business, e one, sir Don't go anigh her, sir”

”Nonsense!” said the lieutenant, going up to the cow, patting her and handling her ears and horns; to all of which attentions the aniently swinging her tail

”I think I could milk her, sir,” said Archy

”Think so, Raystoke?” said the lieutenant ”I was just thinking I should have liked some new milk”

”So was I, sir Shall I try?”

”Yes,” said the lieutenant ”I believe I could do it myself It always looks so easy But no; won't do,” he said firmly, as he drew hi, an iht, and whose physique had always been against his advance in the profession For as a short energetic little ained promotion; as a little fat rosy fellow the Lords of the Adarding better things, he had been appointed commander of the little _White Hawk_, and sent to cruise off the south coast and about the Channel, to catch the sht

”No,” he said shortly, as he drew hih you and I are condemned to live in this miserable little cutter, and on a conteet that we are officers and gentle coon't do

No; wecows But I should have liked a drop for my breakfast”

”Ahoy!” cried one of the men loudly

”Ahoy yourself!” cried a voice from off the sea on the shore side, and all turned to see a boat approaching rowed by a rough-looking fisher astern, who now rose up to answer the man who shouted

”Where did he come from?” said the lieutenant ”Anybody see him put off?”