203 Crisis Managemen (1/2)
”Hold the line!” I heard Ashley yell as our entourage approached the back of our unit that was now in the midst of weathering the attacks of over four thousand soldiers from Garm's center army reserve.
The Foolhardies had survived for this long only because my officers managed to rally our men before it was too late.
”Luca, gather three-hundred soldiers and build me a wing to the left of Ashley's shield wall. Edo, take three-hundred soldiers and form a right wing,” I ordered. ”Thom you go with Edo. Thor will join Luca.”
I looked over my to see who was left.
Xanthor's cavalry had come to pick us up, and they were nice enough to bring our mounts with them.
”Xanthor, I want you to take a hundred riders and harass the enemy's right flank once you see that we've secured our lines,” I ordered. ”For now, I want you to assist in pinning the enemy riders down… thankfully, there wasn't much cavalry in the reserves… mostly heavy and light infantry.”
I glanced over at Aura next.
”You and me will head for the center… Get your squad to create some distance between us and the enemies to give our guys enough room to breathe and reform the lines then make sure your squad evacuates to the back of the center and out of enemy range,” I ordered.
Aura nodded wordlessly at me, but I saw that that she'd been gripping the reins of Starlight so tightly that her knuckles had turned white.
She had every right to be anxious because we were in dire straits once again, but this time we'd been caught off-guard — and I didn't think we'd ever been in that kind of crisis before.
I rode Myth Chaser forward and past the rows of soldiers who'd moved aside to let me pass. My heart warmed at the sight of these vets, who, despite the situation, were moving in orderly fashion and in tune to the officers' commands.
From my peripheral, I watched as both Edo and Luca called on their men and several others in order to bring my plan to life.
”Hurry,” I whispered. ”We can't afford to dally…”
I arrived just five yards away from Ashley's shield wall. They were a group of two hundred soldiers that stretched out in single file to brace against the tide of enemies rushing at them.
Behind this wall, Qwipps' Talons and Varda's Troublemakers waited to shore up the defences and spent their time lobbing arrows and stones into the enemy's frontline.
I dismounted and passed Myth Chaser's reins to Jensen who was sporting an arrow wound on his right shoulder.
How did I know it was an arrow wound, you ask? Well, that was because the arrow was still sticking out of him.
”Give me a quick breakdown of the situation now,” I ordered.
”—which this is,” I interrupted. ”Sorry, continue…”
”The enemy noticed but they weren't fast enough to get into an attack position which is why we managed to keep them back while continuing our withdrawal to the south step by step per your instructions,” Jensen finished. ”Of our thousand-man unit, we've lost forty-three so far…”
”What of Redbull's reinforcements?” I asked as they were definitely a concern given the situation.
”Most remain loyal to the unit and don't understand why we're being attacked by the others,” Jensen explained. ”However, we've corralled and tied up fifty who'd begun attacking us from behind in an obvious coordinated effort with the enemy.”
”How'd you do that so quickly?” I asked.
”The chosen one… he stopped their movements by freezing them in place,” Jensen said, pointing to our immediate right where a small outcropping of ice gleamed against the light of Idunn.
”Sweet,” I whistled just as I patted Jensen on the shoulder. ”Good job. Now tell your boys to raise the banners… let the enemy know that the Commander is back and I am pissed.”
Aura caught up with me just as I squeezed my way toward Qwipps and Varda who were finding the time to argue despite our situation.
”Looks like Redbull wasn't in on Garm's plot, otherwise all his reinforcements would have gone against us,” I told her.
”Thanks the spirits for small favors,” she replied. ”That means we can resume south and then southwest to the oasis like you planned.”
”Pike and her team are already waiting to receive us, but maybe I should have sent Qwipps or Varda instead,” I reasoned as I dropped in on the duo and smacked them both in the back of the head. ”Alright, I don't want to hear it… just give me a sitrep.”
”Our line's not going to hold much longer, Commander,” Varda answered quickly. ”Ashley's doing all she can to keep the enemy from overwhelming us but they're getting pushed back mighty easily.”
”I keep telling Varda that's what we want to happen, Dean,” Qwipps countered. But the stubborn dwarf just won't listen…”
”The retreat the Commander wants doesn't include Ashley's shield wall breaking down, Qwipps,” Varda fired back.
”Alright, alright, I get it… you're both right… let's leave it at that,” I said, nipping this argument in the bud. ”Qwipps, how many of your fliers can you count on for an aerial bombardment?”