113 Dinner for Schmucks (1/2)

The Foolhardies GD_Cruz 37960K 2022-07-20

The first thing I did after I rushed into the tower after Albert Sheridan was to ask Varda to find rooms for our guests on the fifth floor that was befitting of their ranks. And although Albert said not to bother, it seemed like Verania would very much have bothered if I didn't at least show them the proper courtesies.

Regardless, I avoided eye contact with the pixie after realizing how easily she had duped me when we first met and left her in the care of Luca who didn't seem to mind the attention. At least until Pike saw him acting like a doofus.

I smiled at the thought of seeing Luca squirm uncomfortably before forcing my mind to focus back on the bigger issue at hand—food.

There were now roughly fifteen hundred humans and fairies gathered around the tower, an unmanageable number for us as we were already bleeding funds just from the renovations.

Luckily, Albert had thought ahead and brought supplies along.

\”This is Riardon, my lieutenant,\” he said, pointing a hand at the haughty looking elf with the long locks of golden hair flowing down his back standing behind Albert. \”He'll coordinate with your quartermaster on handing over the food supplies we brought over from Fort Darah.\”

Riardon, who at first glance looked like a snooty version of Legolas from the Lord of the Rings, gave me the once over with his forest green eyes, and after deciding to be rude to me might have consequences, gave me a curt nod that was all kinds of snobby.

I chose to be magnanimous and ignored the elf—I'd had enough practice, suddenly remembering Theren who I now thought of fondly—and thanked Albert for his donation.

\”You're a lifesaver, dude,\” I said.

He waved off my thanks with a hand.

\”That's courtesy of General Thors. He figured you'd be having logistics issues after Great General Darah failed to mention to your, um, new assignment,\” Albert answered, grinning sheepishly.

Ah, It seemed I was talking to a kindred spirit. Glad to know I wasn't the only one Darah liked to mess around with. I thought.

The food problem solved, I made my excuses and left the new arrivals at the entry hall and made my way up the tower. I popped into the third floor, which we'd designated the dining area and kitchens, and left word with Alfie Monroe, our unit chef, to prepare a feast with the ingredients coming his way.

\”I could have used more notice, sir,\” Alfie complained while he continued kneading a circular piece of dough I assumed were the beginnings of a pizza. \”I don't have enough hands helping me prepare as is.\”

\”I'll ask Varda to send you reinforcements, Alfie… Promise!\” I said, right before I zoomed out of there and made my way up the steps to the next floor.

I'd just popped out of the land of the rooftop when I found Aura leading the winged creature she'd ridden from Shärleden to the makeshift stable we'd set up on the corner of the roof for just this type of situation.

Jensen's crew, my flag bearers, was there to assist her and the two burly fairies who'd accompanied her.

Both of them were elves who wore the silver armor and black tabards that were the standard for the Patriarch's personal guard. One had shoulder-length, plaited silver hair while the other had long, plaited golden hair. Ironically enough, they were named Aurum and Argentum which in the old fairy tongue, and ancient Latin, meant Gold and Silver.

I walked over to them, earning myself another wary look from both elves. But neither of them stopped me from reaching Aura, who, after patting her peryton on its feathery front quarters, looked back at me and smiled.

\”I see we have guests,\” she said.

\”Yup…\” I frowned. \”Courtesy of your aunt, no doubt.\”

\”She does love to keep you on your toes,\” Aura noted.

She patted me on the shoulder, and together we made our way back to the roof's entrance.

I pointed a thumb over my shoulder. \”Those two staying?\”