107 Isle of Dogs (1/2)

The Foolhardies GD_Cruz 35040K 2022-07-20

The battle was over in a flash. Embarrassingly quick even for side quest standards. Although I wasn't sure if it was the frighteningly powerful efreet lobbing car-sized fireballs at the tower's walls or a large number of infantry troops charging right through the front lawn that did the trick. Hell, maybe even the Talons infiltrating the enemy lair helped—maybe. I still had reservations when it came to Qwipps Daggerby.

Whichever path opened the way, the end result was me and Kallista strolling up to the rough-hewn steps leading up to the tower entrance with zero worries of getting attacked.

As an added intimidation measure, I'd asked Aura to ride behind us so that her summon could float above like some demonic honor guard ready to scorch the butt of any who challenged our entourage. Also, it was just easier having the dark spirit behind and not front and center where its shadowy form could give me goosebumps.

Our soldiers stood to the side and let us pass. They were mostly members of Ashley's Shield squad. Ashley herself, decked in her silver shieldmaiden armor and white robe, was in deep conversation with Azuma near the top of the steps.

I got off Myth Chaser and handed the reins to Jensen. Then I helped Aura down from Starlight, not because she couldn't do it herself, but just because I wanted to.

Varda and Kallista joined us at ground level, and together, we walked the few steps up to Azuma and Ashley's position.

Azuma glanced my way after he noticed us coming close. He waited for me to be a step below him before finally saying, ”Do you know what this place reminds me of, Dean?”

I looked up at the white tower. The geometric leaf-like designs were similar to Ashley's former home, but they were worn-out to the point of disappearing. The other half of its façade was like naturally formed jagged grooves that streaked up to its domed peak.

”Definitely a mix of elven and dwarven design,” I said out loud.

”Looks like—”

”—The tower of Orthanc!” I finished Azuma's thought. Then I glanced behind me to the ring of broken walls with similar architectural designs as the tower before me. ”It's like… Isengard.”

”What's Isengard?” Aura asked confused.

Anyone with a passing appreciation for classic western cinema or has a general love for high fantasy would know what Isengard was. And it kind of stung that Aura didn't.

I sighed, reminding myself in my head that it wasn't her fault she lacked the necessary pop-culture experience. Fairies just didn't get the good stuff.

The next two and a half minutes were spent with me and Azuma taking turns explaining the Lord of the Rings to Aura. And we would have gone through all three books too if Ashley hadn't ruined the fun and said, ”Nerds!” in a really annoying tone.

I coughed embarrassedly and proceeded to change the topic before Ashley could embarrass me further.

Ashley jerked a thumb behind her. ”Rounding up the bandits inside. We kept most of them alive like you asked.”

My eyebrow rose slightly. ”Most of them?”

”Your new sidekick here,” Ashley pointed at Azuma, ”and Edo blew off some steam.”

I turned my raised eyebrow on Azuma.

”They came at me… I showed them no mercy,” he answered nonchalantly. ”Would you have me do any less?”

I sighed again as the memory of me promising Azuma he could be as much of a warrior as he wanted in my unit was now biting me in the ass. Thinking that I should rethink promising the moon to potential recruits, I walked away from my new headache and proceeded through the open entryway.

”This place needs a door,” I noted, thinking it was part of the reason my guys got in so easily.

”Indeed,” Kallista nodded beside me. ”I'll add it to the bill.”

I stopped abruptly and glanced sideways at her. ”Wh-what bill?”

”Renovations, my dear,” she caressed me softly on the cheek with her long-nailed hand, ”what else?”