89 Clash of Steel (1/2)

The Foolhardies GD_Cruz 40050K 2022-07-20

The starting clash of steel between my Foolhardies cavalry and Azuma's Immortals was as epic as you'd expect. It had all the makings of a proper heroic fight which included add-ons like a damsel-in-distress, a perfect rival, wild-cheering-from-surrounding-onlookers, and unexpected-plot-twists. But don't take my word for it. Let me break it down for you.

Damsel-in-distress, that was Luca and his team who were neck-deep in Magesong enemies. Their situation was deteriorating by the minute despite valiant efforts from Ashley's shield squad to keep the entire group from getting swarmed.

Even Luca going berserker on gray-clad fairy soldiers with Shaqs' war-ax wasn't making much of a dent. Whenever he cut one of them down two more took its place as if Luca were facing off against a many-headed hydra.

Sidebar, I am really glad to have never encountered dragon-type creatures in the Fayne. It would have been way too much. And salamanders didn't count as they were all hot humanoids.

Back to Luca and his forces—they were on a time limit. And the only way I could help them was if I defeated the leader of the unit whose forces they were up against before the buzzer rang. That brings us to the perfect rival, Mr. Bushido himself.

The initial charge was just what you'd expect. The Immortals weren't ready for the centaur cavalry bearing down on them and we may have hacked, stabbed, and stomped through three dozen black-clad infantry before they could prepare a counter.

My falchion sang as it cut through the air and penetrated the leather shoulder pauldron of the very handsome elf who'd just ninja jumped to attack me. Elves were very spry. Too bad he'd also put himself within my range with no way to dodge my shadowblade.

As the elf dropped back to the wet earth, I heard a yell of, ”Dean, dodge!” so reminiscent of Luca that I didn't hesitate to follow the order.

But it wasn't Luca who'd just saved my face from the javelin that came rocketing past me only a second ago. Not unless Luca's voice had suddenly turned feminine. Nope. It was Aura who called out, but I had no time to thank her as the brown-haired visere who'd thrown the javelin came galloping toward me atop her dark green swifthart. In her hand was a second very sharp-edged javelin.

She never had the chance to launch it at me, however. Just as she'd raised her hand for a second throw, she was smacked in the middle of her plated chest by one of Aura's firebolts.

Honestly, I had the coolest partner. Perhaps Aura really was the reason my enemies called me 'the boy touched by fire' on account of having a fire-throwing elf magician as my constant backup.

Aura rode up to me and we exchanged a high-five like I'd taught her. Sadly, that was all the celebration we could manage as even more trouble was coming. I did say things were getting hectic.

”Here we go,” I said. I took a deep breath. ”Are you ready?”

”Always,” Aura responded.

”Let's ride.” I raised my falchion forward in greeting to the incoming enemy cavalry. ”Xanthor! Rally to me!”

A dozen horse neighs reached my ears the moment I charged with my sword raised forward and Aura riding at my side. It was time for the main event.

There were twenty armored knights led by a single black-clad warrior galloping toward me and Aura in what I can only assume was the Fayne's version of a chicken car race. Only, I doubt either of our sides wanted to avoid the collision. Nope, we were most certainly speeding toward each other.

”Aura, ready your flame shield. We'll ram right into them,” I ordered.

”Just say when,” she answered.

Our charge continued. The enemy galloped ever closer.

”Almost there,” I said out loud.

The distance between us shortened even more.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. That's just how much tension there was.

”Get ready!” I yelled.

I could see their narrowed eyes and the angry stares sent my way sent shivers up my spine. My grip tightened on my falchion.

”Now, Dean?” Aura's call was urgent. ”We're getting really close.”

Azuma raised his spear forward. It was obviously aimed at me. He was close enough now. A mere stone's throw away.

Sweat trickled down my cheek when I yelled, ”Now, Aura!”

Aura's response was to a quick rendition of her chant. ”Spirits of the sacred flame, defend me from those who mean me harm.” she raised her staff forward. ”Breathe life into my Shield of Flame!”

The orb at the tip of her staff glowed a fierce orange, and an arcane pattern of molten lines blazed to life a meter in front of me which then expanded into a six-foot round shield that burned at the edges.

Her Shield of Flame had appeared at just the right moment as Azuma was nearly within reach. I had hoped to slam into him and cause some damage but I settled for him being forced to launch his spear at me to block the spear while he pulled on his reins and jerked his swifthart out of harm's way.

As our swifthart's passed each other, we each gave the other our own versions of the death stare. Then he was gone and rushing into the centaurs behind me.