73 A Lesson Before Dying (1/2)

The Foolhardies GD_Cruz 33170K 2022-07-20

For a guy with a hole in his chest and only one good hand remaining, Jimmy's grip still felt as hard as steel. His grip tightened on my throat, choking the life out of me.

My first thought was to pull my falchion out of his chest and cut off his hand but I'd lodged the damn thing in too deep. It wouldn't budge. Not with my ebbing strength giving way.

Black dots filled my already blurring vision. Using Basilisk's Eye had pushed me over the limit of using Fool's Insight, and my sight was already leaving me. It might only be temporary, but it was still a very frightening prospect. Especially now when I still needed my sight.

”Dean!” Luca yelled.

The worry in his voice was clear. He wasn't the only one.

”Fight back, stupid Commander!” Varda screamed.

”Muddamit! Is he going to lose?!” Qwipps piped in.

”You won't lose after taking us this far?!” Ashley joined.

”He won't,” Edo said firmly, and as if in answer to Ashley's question.

Weirdly enough, the one voice I didn't hear was the one I wanted to hear. Although I guess she didn't need to yell out in encouragement. I could feel the warmth from the bracelet she'd given me. Aura, in her own fairy way, was giving me strength.

A sincere desire to survive had replaced the guilt that racked me at the thought of murdering a good man. With it, came a struggling to break free. My left hand reached up to Jimmy's arm. My fingers grasped tightly onto his hand, fumbling to find purchase and break his grip.

But despite my attempts, I couldn't shake him off. Looming death gave him an inhuman strength that just wouldn't give.

My thoughts blurred. My mind swimming between consciousness and unconsciousness.

”No!” I screamed. I wasn't giving in.

The fingers of my sword arm grasped tighter on my falchion's hilt, readying myself to twist the blade or drive it even further in. Anything to stop the pain burning my throat at that very moment.

But then the pain suddenly went away. The tightening of my throat ended. Jimmy had stopped choking me.

My brain, still half in delirium, couldn't begin to guess what just happened. And as I couldn't see clearly enough to tell if Jimmy was alive or dead, I suddenly felt defenseless and lost.

It wasn't until I heard him whispering in my ear that the fear gripping my chest finally eased a little.

”You've done well, Dean Dapper… You are the victor…” His voice was so soft and low that I doubt anyone but I could hear him.

Jimmy pulled me in close. Or did he lean forward? I wasn't sure.

”You've slain an enemy general… this will be a good stepping stone for you… to achieve your goal,” Jimmy continued. His voice came between raspy breaths. ”But with your victory comes new responsibility…” Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

I felt Jimmy's head rest on my shoulder. Right next to my left ear.

”You now have the responsibility to keep winning… you cannot lose… For your dreams… and mine…” Jimmy coughed. Then he coughed some more. ”But I hope you don't mind if I ask for something selfish…”

Jimmy paused. His breath turned ragged. He was nearly gone.

”What is it, Jimmy?” I urged him. My own whisper sounded strained to my ears.

”Find my wife… in Starlight… tell her what happened… tell my family… I love them… I died fighting for something good…” he whispered.

”Jimmy, I…” I sighed. ”Alright…”

What else could I have said? It was his last will and testament. I couldn't refuse him.

”Thank you…” Jimmy squeezed tightly on my shoulder. ”Now finish it… before my men try to rescue me… spare them if you can…”

I felt hot tears fall trickle down my cheeks. I couldn't help it. The guilt I experienced when I plunged my shadowblade through his chest was back.