65 Last Action Hero Part 1 (1/2)
Sweat slowly trickled down my face, bringing with it a rolling nervous chill. My sword arm felt more like lead the longer I gripped my falchion's hilt. My breaths came in huffs with each step I took. I knew this feeling well. The nervousness that came before the first throw of a punch. But despite the nerves, my feet continued forward for I understood that this wasn't a time for indecision. It was a time for action.
I took a single long breath as my feet carried me within striking distance of my first opponent, a brash-looking elf with a platinum blonde pompadour on his narrow face.
He wore a silver scale mail patterned after autumn leaves along with a scale skirt and greaves that made him look like a hero from the old Greek stories. With such expensive equipment, I assumed he must have been an officer.
My second breath was simultaneous with my sword arm whisking forward.
The shadowblade of an elven saber met my falchion's vibro-blade, and to no one's surprise, was able to block my slash with a resounding clang.
How unfortunate for the cool-looking elf that I'd already prepared for this eventuality. It was obvious from the glimmer of his sword that it was at least silver-tier which meant the cutting power of my shadowblade wouldn't be as effective. This meant a contingency—which was exactly what the dagger in my other hand was for.
Another problem with elven warriors—they rarely wore helmets. Something about how it messed up their perfect hairdos. Well, this officer would never have to worry about his hair getting messy again as I'd just plunged my dagger into his right eye. Luckily, he'd been leaning in and didn't require me to jump up to reach his face.
At the same time as I pulled my dagger out of his eye—he was still alive and screaming at this point—I sent my shadowblade slithering into his throat. Blood poured out of both fatal wounds as the elf crumpled to the ground taking with him the nervous tension that I'd been experiencing.
I had no time to feel remorse for him. He was an enemy and there were plenty more where he came from.
A second elf appeared in my peripheral to take the place of his fallen leader. And as he positioned himself to face me, the nervous tension was replaced by the eager anticipation to test myself against another opponent.
This one had long braided silvery hair with matching silver eyes and an alabaster complexion. Plus he was tall, much too tall for me to reach his neck. So, instead, of worrying about a one-hit critical strike, I opted for a combination of slashes aimed at his knees.
It really was amazing, how the continuous vibrations in my falchion's shadowblade increased its cutting power explosively against the same tier or lesser tier equipment. A simple downward stroke was enough for me to put a person seven inches taller than me down on his knees.
He didn't get the chance to attack me with the glaive he carried. There was no time for him to even block. my dagger quickly found its mark as I quickly plunged it up to his jaw.
I spared a glance at the dagger that had won me two kills already, and I was surprised at how easily I handled having a weapon in both hands despite not having practiced dual-wielding much. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
There was a loud ruckus to my front that broke through the quiet buzzing of my adrenaline pumped mind, and I glanced in the direction of the noise to find Shaqs beset by three Magesong hobgoblins about five meters away.
I glanced down at my dagger right before I reversed my grip to the blade end and flung it straight at the closest hobgoblin. And thanks to Fool's Insight , my dagger buried itself into the back of the hob's neck.
With one down, Shaqs made short work of the other two hobs. He'd severed the first one's arms with a swing of his war ax. The second swing cleaved off the hob's head. The other hob died more gruesomely. After watching his comrade get massacred, the hob stumbled backward in fear of Shaqs and couldn't get back up in time before Shaqs stomped on his chest and caved it in with a massive troll foot.
This whole exchange lasted the short time it took for me to survey the surrounding area.
Before me lay a disarrayed gathering of gray geared soldiers with their formation clearly broken by Shaqs' and Edo's berserker charge. The Magesong officer that led these frontline soldiers was dead at my feet which meant there was no way they could reform in time before my Foolhardies broke through their ranks through overpowering violence.
As if on cue with my thoughts, two giant stone golems rushed past me to join the Edo in his carnage in the vanguard. They were accompanied by several molten arrows that had been shot out from behind me. It seemed Varda and Donar were finally letting loose.
I grinned. Then I stepped over the fallen bodies and charged forward, not forgetting to grab my dagger as I passed it.
What happened after that was sort of a blur despite Fool's Insight constantly relaying information to my eyes. And as if I were possessed by some god of war, I found myself moving almost perfectly in every engagement that followed. No wasted movements. My sight constantly darted left and right, up and down, showing me every minuscule movement and every would-be-fatal strike like my field of view was on slow motion.
I dodged a slash from a bearded visere's broadsword and countered with an upward slash that cut deep into his arm, putting him out of commission.