62 Breakthrough (1/2)

The Foolhardies GD_Cruz 30170K 2022-07-20

Whatever we did, however we did it, as long as Luca and I did it together, it always felt like we would be victorious. Whatever the odds, the Dapper brothers would win the day.

Tonight was no exception. Even surrounded by enemies from all sides, I felt invincible just by having Luca fight beside me.

From right beside me, I watched Luca cut down a golden-haired elf almost mercilessly with one downward swing of his broadsword's shadowblade. And although it helped that elves rarely wore heavy armor, Luca's ability to make critical hits when it mattered was beyond mathematical probability.

I, on the other hand, just blocked the glaive strike of the she-elf I faced off against. I'd already seen the possible killing blow myself but chose not to act on it. This was to the fact that her long blonde hair and blue eyes reminded me too much of Aura.

The she-elf sent her glaive's shadowblade forward.

I dodged.

She slashed sideward.

I ducked.

But when she turned her slash into a downward strike, I raised my falchion with both hands and blocked the heavy blow that didn't seem like it could have possibly come from such thin arms.

It was at this point that a firebolt struck the she-elf right in the face, sending her sprawling onto the grass beneath me.

The smell of burning hair made my nose wrinkle.

The she-elf tried to get up while I was distracted by her hair catching fire but Aura appeared on my left and kicked her in the head, instantly knocking her out.

Then she turned her azure eyes on me and said, ”You were pulling your punches.”

A hobgoblin pushed past the Shield squad's shield wall and lunged for Aura. It never reached her as my falchion slithered right into its gut. Even with his chainmail shirt, the vibro-sword function of my shadowblade made easily cut a deep gash in its abdomen.

At the same time, Luca's broadsword came swinging down, effectively decapitating the hobgoblin before it could die from my strike.

”Sorry about that, Aura!” Ashley yelled from the front. She was standing at the very center of her squad's shield wall. ”Slippery bastards keep getting past us.”

”Um, that's because I told you to leave holes in your wall so we can sweep them up as we move forward,” I reminded her.

”Well, I don't like it!” she yelled back at me. Then she held her steelbark shield and pushed it forward. ”Brace!”

I heard the crunching sound as fairy bones broke against the weight and force of Ashley's charge. She was like a cannon plowing through soft-bodied limbs. And her soldiers struggled to keep up with her.

”We're almost through,” Luca said excitedly.

”Luca, dodge!” I yelled. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

He did as I asked and narrowly avoided a spear thrust aimed at his head.

It didn't escape me that we'd been a similar situation before but in reverse.

While Luca stayed crouched, I sent my falchion slashing toward the outstretched arms of the Magesong visere that had attacked him. The shadowblade cut neatly past his bronze bangles, straight into his flesh, crushed through bones, and out the other side in a shower of blood.

I watched as the visere backed away, screaming for all he was worth. If he was lucky, the trip back from the Fayne would partially heal his wounds. It did happen. If he wasn't, well, at least he was alive.

Another firebolt zoomed past me and struck the now handless visere, knocking him down to the ground.

I turned and found Aura with her staff raised like a sniper rifle in my direction.