Part 44 (1/2)
It was getting dark when he reached Whitelees and found Evelyn sitting by the fire in the drawing-roohted and the roorate Evelyn did not get up and he stood opposite, talking quietly while she rested her chin in her hollowed hand and listened He did not pretend passion, but she thought he struck the right note He was sincere, as far as he went, and she ad appeal One could trust Lance to be graceful
”If you had asked ht have married you It is now too late,” she said
Mordaunt moved abruptly, but used some control ”Ah,” he said, in a rather strained voice, ”I suppose this means Jim has claimed you first?”
”Yes,” she said, calmly, ”I have promised to marry Jim So far, nobody else knows”
He was silent for ahis brows, and then looked up
”I'h your refusal hurts, don't think I'ood sort, but he's not the man for you”
Evelyn colored and her eyes sparkled, and then the firelight left her face
”To some extent that is so, Lance I expect Jim has drawbacks, but he's flesh and blood; red blood, I think they say in Canada You knohat you and I are; we have cultivated out our vulgar passions At least, I thought I had!”
”Has Jim persuaded you that you were mistaken?”
”He may persuadehuht I was a philosopher, but I'ine you will let passion guide you very long” He paused, and after a few ets stale, you will findI think you know this, and there is no , Lance,” Evelyn replied ”I have e It cost ; like cold water or a boisterous wind You would have keptcal to try o and he started for Dryholhtful mood Her refusal had hurt him, but he would not dwell on this He was half-afraid to do so and wanted to think about her She was pluckier than he had iined and was obviously sincere, since she did not know Jim would be rich, but he doubted if she could keep it up Jim was rude and te
The trouble was the roht sustain her until it was too late, for Jie
Mordaunt's face got hard as he thought about this, and he was rather surprised by the anger that fired his blood He had cultivated a philosophic selfishness, but it no longer supported him He hated Jim, and felt troubled about Evelyn Luck ith the headstrong fool; he had swept her off her feet, but she would recover her balance and then she would pay Mordaunt clenched his fist and raged with helpless savageness It was long since he had indulged his passions, and now his control had gone the reaction was sharp
He got cooler and began to look about There was a rass by the hedgerows A thick wood bordered one side of the road, which went up a long hill, and pale birch trunks that caught the light stood out against dusky firs Now and then a rabbit ran across the road and plunged into the grass, and presently there was a sharp rattle of wings A flock of wood-pigeons circled round in the ht and flew back into the frees Then a cock-pheasant crowed
Mordaunt stopped in the glooate of a ride Soeons to give the alarood shot, but he waited because he wanted to find sohts He was just inside the Langrigg boundary and ian his round at the other end of the estate
By and by dry underbrush rustled and there was a noise like a briar dragging across somebody's clothes Afterwards all was quiet for a few looet over and then touched his arate The bloas soft as if so had eased the shock and the fellow's shape was bulky about his hips Mordaunt knew a poacher has generally a large pocket in the lower lining of his coat As the fellow lifted a short, knotted stick, he turned his face to the light and Mordaunt saas Tom Shanks, the old marshman's son
”You can put down the stick,” he said, coolly ”I expect you have been s bird's, not ours”
Shanks leaned against the gate and looked at hih his face was coarse and heavy, his eyes were cunning; he slouched, but when he rigg's,” he growled, grasping his stick
”Gentry stands by yan anodder Are you gan t' tell?”