Part 40 (1/2)
”Then it's obvious that you ought to marry”
”I don't know if it's obvious or not,” Jim rejoined ”However, since you are the head of the house, I dare say you are entitled to feel some curiosity”
Bernard smiled ”Suppose you think about me as an old man ould like to be your friend”
”I'm sorry, sir,” said Jiht for my own hand since I was a boy Anyhow, I ”
”It looks as if you had not asked her yet”
”I have not; I'irl like Evelyn Though I've inherited Langrigg, I'h one slow, trying to persuade myself I was justified before I persuaded her Then I wanted her, so to speak, to get used to me”
”You are modest,” Bernard remarked ”You imply that Evelyn does not know”
”I don't think she knows I have been cautious If I hinted at et disturbed and alarmed”
Bernard smiled ”Well, perhaps you have taken a prudent line But do you iine your reserve has deceived Janet Halliday?”
”Perhaps it has not; Mrs Halliday is clever I think she is reed, with a touch of ironical huive Evelyn, in order to avoid the jar she et if you prematurely revealed your hopes?”
Jim knitted his brows He was used to Bernard's cynical dryness and trusted hirimly
”I have had a bad set-back”
He told Bernard about the risk of his losing his money, and the latter was silent for a minute or two Then he reood plan I could help you out”
”That is not why I told you,” said Jiined you would not Well, perhaps your frankness accounts for our friendshi+p You are unefrom me”
Ji like that; to Mordaunt, he thought
”Very well,” Bernard resu; but I will not insist”
”Thank you,” said Jiar and pondered He was satisfied and somewhat amused It would not have cost him much to banish Jiratitude, but was glad the other had refused It was better that Jim's troubles aboutof a romantic fool; but Bernard knew Evelyn was not By and by he led Jim into confidential talk about his invest his new estate, and then let hi hard, and after a time sent a servant to the library for a bundle of architect's drawings
The drawings gave the plans and elevation of a new hospital and Bernard thought the plain, straight front, looked , he sa it could be altered and ornaed, if funds perht be advisable to augift
Next day he went to Whitelees and was received by Mrs Halliday in her drawing-room, which always annoyed him He felt he wanted to clear out Janet's room and furnish it on another plan Bernard hated sensual prettiness and liked bold, clean lines and subdued color Besides, his gout was rather bad, the fragile chair was uncoripped him he frowned, and Mrs
Halliday re old and have recently felt e,” he replied ”Oneplain that I ought to straighten my affairs while the opportunity is mine”