Part 36 (2/2)

”Stan', if you like I'll not touch bar while you're aboot Are you gan t' teach me my job?”

”It's plain you don't know your job Get out of my way and I'll cut the thread myself”

The smith stood square in front with a frown on his face ”You'll not touchstocks is mine”

”Oh, shucks!” said Jiht now”

The sh nobody afterwards re a et past the srappled, and while they rocked to and fro the men in the pit stopped work At first, Jionist back, but after a h The fellow had defied hiht, and in Canada a boss who could not enforce his authority lost his right to rule Jiland and did not mean to stop until the sht with dogged pluck

While they floundered about, striking, and trying for a throwing hold, Jake heard steps and looked up He was half-embarrassed and half-amused, for it was obvious Jim did not know Mrs Halliday, Evelyn, and Bernard Dearham stood on the top of the bank He could not separate the men and did not think Ji wouldto do but wait, and after a few onist and threw him down the bank It looked as if the sulky shed and sorowled hoarse applause Jim's muddy shi+rt was torn and his face was bruised; he was looking down into the hole and did not see Bernard's party until he turned to go to the forge Then he stopped and stood with his head held back, while Jake studied the others He thought Bernard was quietly amused, but Mrs Halliday looked pained, and Evelyn's delicate face was flushed

”We thought ould co on,” said Mrs

Halliday ”It was an adventure; your new road is very bad and the car nearly upset”

”There is not much to see and I did not expect you,” Jim replied

”That is obvious,” Bernard reine you don't know , but you are very quick

When you threw hi a hold that would have put you in his power”

”You gave him a bad fall, anyhow I suppose you are used to this sort of thing in Canada,” said Mordaunt, who calanced at Evelyn

Jake was interested; he sensed soht his comrade was unconscious There was a hint of a sneer in Mordaunt's voice and Jake thought his reirl

Her eyes were fixed on Jim, and she looked disturbed It was plain that Mordaunt noted this Mrs Halliday was rather ostentatiously careless, Bernard quietly looked on, but Jin of embarrassment

”Why, no,” he answered Mordaunt ”On the whole, I didn't have much trouble with the boys in Canada This felloouldn't do his job as I wanted, and through his stupidity we ran so in I'll show you----”

They ith hi to banish the strain, and he indicated thein the ave way, the water would break through and perhaps drown the gang I'm boss and accountable I take no chances about the safety of lanced at Evelyn and Jake i conventions, his bold statelishmen did not talk like that Moreover, he et andwith head held back and body highly-strung, he looked a stranger Ji to the others' circle, he caood rule and force is useful now and then,” Bernard observed ”However, we ca dull, and the others have pro If you can co for Mrs Winter”

Jiave her an apologetic glance as he answered Bernard: ”I', although her color was rather high, and Mrs

Halliday interposed: ”After all, you would not lose enerally comes before one's ready, but I have soet home,” said Jiets too high If you wouldn'tMrs Winter and Carrie, I think they'd like it”

Mrs Halliday's look hinted that she was trying to hide her annoyance and Evelyn turned her head

”Very well,” said Bernard and beckoned the others

When they had gone Jake laughed ”I iiven your relations a jolt”