Part 23 (2/2)

”I alad The hotel was crowded and never quiet They had noisy electric elevators that went up and down all night, and it wasn't ht I'd find this a, but I didn't Had to push for a place at the tables and the waiters were slow I felt I wanted to hustle round with the plates”

”Soly ”But I expect you liked the cooking”

”It was tolerable, but no food I've got was half as good as the trout and bannocks we picked out of the hot spider in a valley of the North

Then there's no drink as refreshi+ng as the tea with the taste of wood smoke I drank from a blackened can”

”It didn't often taste of smoke,” Carrie objected

”Carrie can cook; she owes that to me,” Mrs Winter interposed ”She was a and declared she had no use for studying things like that, but I was firm”

”I wonder whether she's aot wise,” said Carrie ”I knohere I belong”

Mrs Winter looked at them as if she were puzzled, and Ji That's the trouble, because iton while I ay?”

”Trade's pretty good, thank you,” Carrie replied ”We have sold as roceries have kept Belle hustling”

”Shucks!” said Jiht to make your mother sell out”

”He tried,” said Mrs Winter ”I won't sell Jake has some money now, but he's not rich and ht for all they get, but I want them to know there's a little house in the home tohere they can come back if they're hurt and tired Besides, I've kept store so long I've got the habit

Anyhow, you have told us nothing about your business and we're curious”

”Jake and Carrie don't look curious,” Jis, and answered his questions, read the night-letters the Montreal office sent hirams”

”But what did he say about your claihter, but I'll tell you There are some formalities yet, but the fellow seeland soon Whether I'll stay or not is another thing Well, we had arranged for a long holiday, and I don'tto take you all to the Old Country”

Carrie colored, but Jake smiled ”Did you tell the lawyer about this plan?”

”I did not,” said Jiht was new ”Langrigg is mine It's my pleasure to show it to my friends”

Mrs Winter looked disturbed ”You are kind, Jione far frohtn't like me”

”I don't know yet if ot to approve uests I wanted you to sell the store, because, if I', youIn fact, you have got to co hard, and then her gentle face got resolute ”Very well I'd like Carrie to see the Old Country”

Jim turned to the others with a triumphant smile ”It's fixed Your mother will need you, Carrie, and I'll need ine I'ot to see me out”

”Since I don't know your folks and their habits, it isn't plain how I could help,” Jake replied