Part 20 (1/2)

When the others went off Carrie did notthick, the air was hot, and now all was quiet she heard the roar of the fire She pictured it creeping through the bush: the fla the trunks that cracked and tottered, and the crash when one fell Now and then she thought she heard the shock, but it was scarcely distinguishable through the dull roar The noise was strangely daunting

Carrie meant to stay She must hide her fears and sirl who ot, and she had known care Now and then unsatisfied creditors had threatened to close the store, but when tears were near her eyes she had forced a laugh There was much she could do in camp; she could see the loo By and by she got up and went to her tent

In the h the fire was advancing Ji the rocks, where there were no trees to burn, and heas possible Besides, transport was difficult and heanxious about this, because if the fire followed the belt

It was characteristic that he took coly called his were norht needful and they seldom jarred Noever, Jim half consciously assumed firm control, with his co he had a leader's talent obeyed cheerfully

For some days their resolution was hardly tried The fire rolled up the valley and for the most part they worked in thick smoke At times the heat was intolerable, and when the wind freshened showers of ash and sparks fell about theress was slow Heavy stones ravel raded Ashes stuck to the men's wet skin and they were often scorched by the hot wind Then, at the close of each exhausting day, the camp must be moved to the end of the cleared track

There was notThe men were hard and stubborn, but Ji He hiht and did not sleep Jake's scorched face was getting pinched Carrie alone was cheerful and tried to ease the crushi+ng strain when they rested for an hour after the evening meal

The meal was always ready and Jim noted that the bill of fare was better than before Yet, soht her figure drooped and her eyes were dull He said nothing, but he was th, one day when the as fresh and the fire had got ominously close, he made a hard decision Since he could not keep in front, he would follow the blaze, which would lick up the brush and do some part of his work The trouble was, he ration passed and the burned ruin cooled, while wagesto the others, but when evening came and the tired men struck the tent he indicated a bare rocky slope

”We'llstones yonder, boys Keep this side of the juniper scrub”

The le was over for a tih and badly needed rest Carrie, however, looked at Ji up, but I don't understand”

Ji the fire will reach the line We are going to lie off and let it pass”

”Ah,” said Carrie, with a hint of relief ”Can ait?”

”It will cost us so, but perhaps this won't be needful Now give h”

”I won't,” said Carrie,back as he tried to take the bundle she hadof flour

Would it hurt very hed but did not answer, and they went up the hill They pitched cae behind the spot He did not co the supplies he would soon need across the rugged hills One could not get up the valley, for looking down froround was streith fallen trees

So and the ashes and hot stones would not cool soon, while the ra gust shook theerous when the wind blows, and soed below the camp, and when Jim ventured down hill he was driven back by heat and se it had left smoldered and now and then broke into flas glowed in the wind There was nothing to be done but use patience, and in theshort

Then, one day, the wind dropped The distant peaks got hazy, the shi+ning glaciers faded, and the outline of the rocks was blurred

Although the sun was diloo down to the line, and he durst not hope for rainAfter a few hours the windto do and the reaction froun

”We miss the trout,” Carrie reet down to the river but couldn't make it”

”I'm afraid we'll soon one the boys will pull out,” said Jiot down, I doubt if he'd have caught ood bait for boiled trout”

”The flour's not gone yet,” Carrie rejoined ”We'll hold on while it lasts and it's going farther than you think Somehow I don't feel as if we'd be beaten”

”We have coets used to that, and resolution counts when you're fighting a snowslide or a flood; but we're up against another proposition now It's so to speak,out! When we have no stores and money left we _must_ quit”