Part 9 (1/2)

When he left the end of the line, sed down into the dark This was o when it does not lie at rest However, with plenty of stakes and soht be able to build up a new bank By and by his foot struck soe of a large, ragged stone, and an indistinct, broken mass ran up the hill The blocks had obviously coone no farther, the pitch was easy enough for them to lie This would enable him to clear a line across the mass and build a fresh bank

Jim sat down and took out his pipe He had lost his labor and money he could not spare, but it was possible to run the line across the treacherous belt, although he was half afraid to count the cost When he struck a loom behind

”Have you any use for us, Boss?” one asked

”Nothing doing now,” said Ji”

Thestarted the blauess she didn't stop until she hit the river It's surely bad luck!”

”It is,” said Jiood I don't want you and you'll probably need some sleep”

”I reckon that's so, if you h, and when he went back to the others Jihted his pipe

”A nasty knock, but not a knock-out,” Jake remarked ”At sun-up we'll have a better notion----”

”Oh, yes,” said Ji why I wakened”

”I reckon that's plain enough The noise would have roused an,” Ji woke me, but don't knohat it was”

”To had started off the wall I allow he nificant he and you agree”

Jim was silent for a ?”

”So far as I remember I didn't count”

”Well,” said Jim ”It's too soon to state what I think After all, I don't know very enerally rim reserve after a bad set-back When Jiined his brain was occupied Crossing the track of the landslide cautiously, they returned to caain and did not go to sleep



Jiot up at daybreak and went to the spot where the landslide had carried away the line A hundred yards had gone and a great bank of soil and gravel ran down at an even slant to the river, where the current foamed about the rubbish that blocked its channel The slope was dotted by broken trees and rocks, and in one place farther up a belt of smaller stones rested loosely at the top of a steep pitch Jiht disturbance would start another slide

He had wasted a week or two's labor and saould cost hiain Even then, there would be a risk of the new line's being swept away This was daunting, because ainst expensive accidents When he took the contract he had trusted much to luck, and now his luck was bad

Moreover, the thing was puzzling and his curiosity was aroused He i treacherous gravel in shallowabout the job

The wall had obviously broken and started the landslide when it gave way, but he could not see why it had broken This, however, in with, the line ap and he occupied himself with the necessary plans His habit was to concentrate and, sitting absorbed, he studied the ground until he felt a touch on his arm Then he looked up with a start and saw Carrie

”I'm sorry, Jih,” said Jiet up, but she stopped him