Part 4 (2/2)

Jiot a hint Cartner and Daere contractors and with one or two more did much of the public work

In fact, it was said that the few large firms pooled the best jobs and combined to keep off outsiders Jim had been soined this was because it was not large enough for the others to bother about The branch line was short

”Oh, well,” he said as carelessly as he could, ”we've got to try to put it over Seven hundred and fifty dollars wouldn't pay us for the time we've spent”

Probyn leaned forward ”You want to call me up? Well, I'll stand for a thousand dollars, but that's my best”

Jake looked at Jim and both hesitated A thousand dollars was a useful su Cartner and Daould pay, but if the offer were refused, their opposition must be reckoned on It was obvious that they did noton the preserves they claiht about Carrie, and felt half ashah she did not know the difficulties she would not hesitate He did not know if he eak or not, but he did not want her to think he had no pluck

While hepale and tired, but she stopped and gave Probyn a direct glance

”Who is this?” she asked

”He co contractors, and wants to buy us off,” Jake replied ”He offers a thousand dollars if we'll get out”

”Ah!” exclaimed Carrie ”What did you say?”

”We haven't saidabout it when you came in”

Carrie's eyes sparkled and her tired look vanished ”It won't stand for thinking about! Tell hiood”

Jake shrugged hu What do you say, partner?”

”We'll hold on”

Probyn frowned ”Is the da ”In fact, e're up against it, she's the boss partner”

”Very well I want you to get this,up and you take no risk If you refuse and hold down the contract, you'll certainly go broke”

”It's possible,” said Carrie ”All the saed ”Then I quit If you can put the job over, you're luckier than I think”

He went off and Carrie sat down ”Looks as if I ca when I was needed The fellow talked in hints What did he mean?”

”It's pretty obvious,” Jake replied ”His e in Since they can't buy us, they'll try to freeze us out”

”Then I reckon weantagonists; but I've a notion there's soot the contract It's not often a job of this kind goes past the others, but the depart us to see if it's possible to shake the cohed as he resu under have got to go ahead”

Ji else, but next ot a jar when he went to load the pack-horses and found two of his helpers gone

”They pulled out at sun-up,” one of the rest explained ”A stranger ca for choppers; offered fifty cents more than you promised, and Steve and Pete went off with him”

”He'll probably shake them in a week,” Jake replied ”Still fifty cents a day's sohed ”That's a sure thing! We reckoned ere fixed well and had better stop with a boss we knew Besides, noe've a daood”