Chapter 218: Splendid Or Shabby 3 (2/2)

“I should have waited for a few hours there!”

Various languages could be heard froh I could solish and Chinese, what they were all talking about was obvious Half the words were the names of actors

The screen continued to show the leads of Last Dance The actors, ore a tuxedo and dress, made cheerful and bold poses on the red carpet

The screaround music froraphers going off simultaneously blasted out the speakers

I calmly stared at the screen

When we first received invitations to the film festival, e arrived at Nice Airport and looked at Lee Songha and Nam Joyoon's hotel roon reporters Each ti closer to that world

I was a bit excited, thinking that the tips of our toes finally touched it, but that wasn't the case

We were still so far away


I abruptly looked besideon, was quiet

Lee Songha had taken her sunglasses off and was staring at the screen while standing rigidly

At the world overfloith red carpet, cheers, and cao there once”

The Palais des Festivals filled with people was completely different from when it was empty It was exactly that It was a palace of dreahts shi+ned down, and loud sounds felt like they were squeezingred carpet flowed down the tall stairs The actors walking up the stairs grew distant

Lee Songha stumbled towards the screen before she was pushed by a loud spectator

“Songha, are you okay?”

“Yes! Yes, I' on her tippy toes and stretching her neck up

The distant red carpet, the cheering fans, the photographers wearing tuxedos and shooting pictures She looked at the sight, a blend of all these elee look on her face It see at a new snack that she had never eaten before

And soood look, before going towards the control line

While everyone related to the filely different It was to the point where she see the fil an award

To be honest, she was like this froh ti and dancing, but when she found her talent in acting, she rejoiced and clung onto it Like someone who found a foundation to stand on Then she did her best in every dra felt lukewarm

This was true even when I compared her to Nah I couldn't perfectly describe it, Lee Songha's sights were not set beyond her limit and rather settled in at a lukewarm distance

This bothered me like a bone in ht now She seeha's heart right here…

I handed Lee Songha's actor ID card to the event personnel, as busy blocking the swaraze was fixed at one place, as I said,

“We have soo in for a second? It's not for the red carpet-!”

“You can't enter this place with a t-shi+rt and running shoes”

The event personnel wavedat the ID card

This daone around in a dress and suit if I knew this would happen Lee Songha seemed to have heard the event personnel as she turned her head towards ue and backed away froer

Since she'll be standing on that red carpet toha and Nam Joyoon wore the dress and suit the stylists had picked out for the as the actors last night, no, tothan anyone

Spectators cheered and photographers pressed their shutter buttons

Lee Songha was al as she an Shannor's red-carpet event yesterday…”

“I guess this is what they call 'on a different level' It's a little deflating”

The staff from the production company mumbled as they waited to enter the theater

I pulled on ht in front ofafter losing interest

The photographers who took pictures as a forha rapher Nahtly taken aback before s as well

I stared at this

I wanted to light a fire in Lee Songha's heart with this opportunity

But a fire lit in my heart before I could

Korean press reporters who had ID cards hung around their necks were sitting at one side of the theater

“Fortunately, most of the seats are taken I orried this red-carpet event would look sparse”

“This is the case for red-carpet events that don't have famous people”

“Let's not write articles that it was shabby or whatever and try to write theht Then thelike 'the theater was packed with international reporters and buyers'”

The thousand or so seats were slowly being filled It was empty co to watch from the sides, but it was still a full house

“Make sure to check how et some feedback on the fil they clapped after the official screening and publish headlines like 'Heated Applause for 5 h We're probably the only country that tied reporter clicked his tongue at the sudden co to write about! Also, our citizens are curious about it!”

“Do you think they'll have a chance at winning the award?”

Someone cautiously asked People murmured

“People see how top-notch their cole's internal screening? Was the filood?”


“Considering they were invited to Cannes, the film must be quite polished as well”

“Well, there are fil the quality of the film festival There are also a lot of people who leave in the ot up and left last time The mood was utter crap”

“In the end, an article about it exploded and ed man licked his lips and said,

“Anyways, we have to write that they have a chance of winning the reward until the award cereer had a fit about hoe needed to get tons of neorthy content because City Jungle is the most topical back horeat if they receive an award though It's been a long time since we've last received an award For our film industry…”

“Don't try to fool us Isn't it because you invested in City Jungle through their crowdfunding event?”

“Shh, it looks like they're starting now”

The audience's chatter gradually died down

The international reporters and buys, who didn't seeazes towards the screen

8:30 am In the Debussy Theatre next to the le's press screening began

It was a very quiet start

{1} The Korean nalish nale' before 'City'
