71 (2/2)

“Thank you for constantly taking care of me From now on, I’ll-“

“No need to thank me”

“Practice hard like a dog”


“No, don’t do that”

You already hadtheir comeback on an IV?

“Anyways, tell the girls as well”

I said while glancing at my wristwatch when Lee Taehee suddenly held onto me

“Have a beer before you go There are still a few left froht last time”

“Huh? There are only you girls and without the chief or Gunyoung, that’s a bit…”

“It’ll be a secret”

Lee Taehee esture

I thought about it whileheld onto

First, I had stayed up all night yesterday

As I used up a lot of y today due to various reasons, my shoulders felt stiff There also was a schedule I had to take Lee Songha to early tomorrow

My reasoning told o home and sleep, yet my body simply nodded its head and entered their residence

After that, well

After drinking and toasting with the girls until early , I took a short nap in the van parked in front of their residence

Then, for the first time in my life, I had sleep paralysis

I realized the reason hen I woke up There was soha wore on every film set, a microfiber blanket, as well as another blanket, covered me in three layers

It looked like someone put them on me so that I didn’t freeze to death, but I was lucky I didn’t die of suffocation

Either e all agreed to keep this a secret from Kim Hyunjo

If he knew, he’d kill me

Once the title tracks were determined, the album production sped up

When audio recording was added to the already busy schedule of Next K-Star and Cat Guardian Ghost fil day felt like an hour However, even though my body was exhausted, I could endure it since ht

“Looking at the progress of our ratings, it’s only a matter of time before it reaches 10”

Chief Lee Bongjoon said while yawning

Infected, I too yawned as I replied,

“Looks like it The PR Teae”

The third episode, which aired two days ago, and the fourth consecutively beat our previous peak ratings Those involved were focused on how o beyond 10 Food trucks, presents, and food continuously arrived on film sets Because of them, the Cat Guardian Ghost team was always in a festive mood

“They both are sleeping well Poor things”

Chief Lee Bongjoon clicked his tongue as he looked to his side

With earphones on, Seo Jijoon had buried hiha was nodding off next toontobut she tightly held onto my coat

Since the filht, I wanted to head straight home and lie down on my bed, but we still had a schedule left Apparently, they were producing a short video of New Year’s greetings from W&U celebrities This e had co for the film crew in a break room

Although Neptune had already done it, they scheduled an additional one for Songha to air on PBS Well, this reetings on public networks yet

To be honest, it was only possible for Lee Songha to side Seo Jijoon because their currently airing draht now She was still considered a rookie

“Right, are there any coha?”

“Although it’s not certain yet, we are in the talks with some”

I was already awaiting it Once things were confirha’s first commercial

“I heard that there were a ton of offers for Jijoon”

I heard that he was al them up I felt that, once Cat Guardian Ghost ended, I would see Seo Jijoon’s face all the time on TV for a while Since this role suited hi spectrum and fandom had increased drastically

When he heard me, Seo Jijoon opened one eye

“To be honest, I wanted to repay you somehow since this was all due to you I’ll repay with ?”

When a terrifyingly good-looking person said so in such a polite

Do I need hi…?

While I thinking, Seo Jijoon asked again,

“What about the progra? I heard I received a casting call froo on there?”


So who can be happy?

“It’s good if you don’t associate with that program”

When I replied seriously, Chief Lee Bongjoon, who knew led

After the event last ti for ratings had stopped What a detestableevery recording session, but I kept dragging it on

‘We’re still discussing it, he’s thinking about it, I’ to persuade him’

I kept talking in circles This hat I learned theIn any case, every ti his temper, I felt refreshed Should I say he becay drink for me?

Recently, I began happily thinking about the best way to tell him that I tried to persuade him but that it didn’t work out in the end so that he would burst into a fit of rage

But to add Seo Jijoon in there? Never

“Then next time I’ll repay you”

Just as Seo Jijoon said this while shrugging his shoulders, the break room door opened

I shook Lee Songha awake thinking it was the film crew, but the people who entered were those who I didn’t want to associate with as much as Producer Go Joontae

The crazy bitch of this region, plus one

Son Chaeyoung and Chief Jo

“What the?”

As soon as she saw us, Son Chaeyoung glared at us Her gaze seeha and me

It felt like the ti

Lee Songha, absentrabbing the gued at us again, it seemed she would throw the jellies at least

Of course, I had no thoughts on stopping her She needed to grow up strong

“I’ crazy Oppa, how did you set my schedule?”

While throwing a fit at Chief Jo, Son Chaeyoung clenched the paper in her hand

No e script

Last week, Mer had continuously shot up until their third episode They s on their fourth Perhaps it was because of this, but Son Chaeyoung’s complexion was lively like a poisonous flower in full bloo from the short, rewritten scripts Her temper was lively as well

“Don’t you know that I can’t do anything if so me?”

“Yeah, Chaeyoung Since the draht have… We can go as soon as you do a 30-second greeting”

“I have to spend all nightthe script after this, but do you think I’ll be able to like this? When the top 3 people I consider eyesores are gathered in front of me?”

Who was first?

I seemed to be sleep deprived since that hat I was curious about in this situation

“Who’s first?”

Instead, it was Seo Jijoon who asked while shaking one of his crossed legs up and down

Son Chaeyoung snorted

“Why? Do you want to be first?”

“If it’s a ranking of people who you consider an eyesore, then, of course, I want to be first”

After a few exchanges, they began to bicker ood relationshi+p Well, I did wonder who else would be on friendly tertaek

While the two fought each other, Chief Lee Bongjoon didn’t see the to stop theha snacked on jellies instead of popcorn as she watched

“Chaeyoung Chaeyoung The broadcast, your dra”

“What? When?”

Just then, Chief Jo was successful in gaining Son Chaeyoung’s attention

Since it was 10:15 pht now, the fifth episode of Mero

It see with Seo Jijoon as Son Chaeyoung grumbled about how he didn’t tell her sooner

Then she sat on the sofa in front of us, crossing her legs

“Put the episode on your phone”

“Uh, one sec”

Chief Jo tapped his phone with his thick fingers

During this ti raised her chin as she looked at us Her eyes narrowed and her lips curved upwards in a slant It was a familiar expression Ah, it was the expression the quadruplets would

damn it, how could I have recalled the quadruplets while looking at Son Chaeyoung?

“I don’t know if you guys saw the progress of s?”

Son Chaeyoung said in a passing tone

“I didn’t”

“I didn’t see it”

“Why would I watch that? I’ mine”

“Me too”

Seo Jijoon and Lee Songha replied one after each other

“Who asked you? I didn’t check your ratings either!”

Snorting, Son Chaeyoung asked again

“Did you see it?”

At me

Why was this wo like this towards ht that the first on her ranking of eyesores was me It was the same for me as well

Although I was checking Merh I didn’t and shook my head Chief Jo mouthed that I reply that I saw it, but I didn’t see him I didn’t

“I didn’t see it either”


I thought she would shout like last time, but she was unexpectedly calm

Instead, Son Chaeyoung even crossed her arms and smiled

“Well, not looking at it will be good for your e, you’d only feel sad if you saw it Since we reached 15 in metropolitan areas in four episodes, we’ll definitely hit 20 at this rate There’s alreadyso it’s obvious ill happen in the future”

Then she started talking for a long while about things we never asked like how the ti equal to multiple times that of public networks had passed, that there weren’t any TVs not connected to cable these days, and that we had to consider cable and public networks on the same level

But you said that you didn’t know Cat Guardian Ghost’s ratings

I , Son Chaeyoung swiftly turned to Chief Jo

“Oppa, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to give it to me?!”

“No, u”

Chief Jo, who had been looking at his phone, stuttered

“Why? Since ere hastily fil the adjusted parts, I didn’t have time to properly monitor it on set I have to check it”

“Uh, but I think it’ll be good if you watched it from start to finish after this episode airs”

“That’s why I’, why?! Is there a problem? Was my scene cut out?!”

“No, that’s not it The viewers’ reactions right now are a bit…”

Chief Jo’s face was pale as if he atching a horrorat all costs, he slowly backed away

Ah, I had a strong intuition


Mermaid out of Water finally slipped up

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