Part 5 (1/2)



Nextthe lady informed me that I could not remain with her in safety, but she had a sister, who lived about half a mile distant, hom I could stop until my feet were sufficiently healed to enable me to resume my journey She then sent for her sister, who very kindly, as I then thought, acceded to her request, and said I elcoements were therefore e buffalo robes into my chamber, which she wrapped around my person in such a way as to shi+eld me from the observation of the servants She then called one whom she could trust, and bade hion that stood at the door I have often wondered whether the man kneas in that bundle or not I do not think he did, for he threw me across his shoulder as he would any bale of e The two ladies then entered, laughing heartily at the success of their ruse, and joking me about my novel mode of conveyance In this manner ere driven to the sister's residence, and I was carried into the house by the servants, in the same way The landlady stopped for a few ave , and three dollars in money She bade me stay there and ain in my nun dress She wished me success in my efforts to escape, commended me to the care of our heavenly Father, and bade on alone, and left me to make the acquaintance of my new hostess

This lady was a very different woret that I was in her power It has been suggested to me that the two ladies acted in concert; that I was re betrayed into the hands ofto believe this Dark as huard almost every one with suspicion--still I cannot for one ht so injurious to one as so kind to me

Is it possible that she could be such a hypocrite? Treat ht say affection, and then give me up to orse than death? No; whatever the reader uilty of such perfidy I regret exceedingly ive the naood deeds, but I did not learn the name of either sister The one to whoether careless of my interests I had been with her but a few hours when she asked lad to do it; but when she requestedthe clothes upon the line, I became somewhat alarhed at my fears, overruled all my objections, said no one in that place would seek to harm or to betray er I at last consented to go, though ment, and inclination, had I followed their dictates, would have kept rateful, or unwilling to repay the kindness I received, as far as I was able; still I could not help feeling that it was an ungenerous deht at least have offered uise; but she did nothing of the kind

When I saw that I could not avoid the exposure I resolved to h as quickly, as possible; but ood deal of attention, and I saw lance directed towards ht no ht anticipations of future happiness, which now began to take possession of ht I retired to a colorious land of dreaht! what iht, but a sad awaking followed So of a bright light from a dark lantern suddenly opened I attempted to rise, but before I could realize where I was, a strong hand seizedwas thrust into my mouth The man attempted to take me in his arms, but with my hands and feet I defended myself to the best of my ability Anothercords confined my hands and feet, so that I was entirely at their mercy Perfectly helpless, I could neither resist nor call for help They then took ht-dress, not even a shawl to shi+eldcovered wagon, in form like a butchers cart, drawn by two horses, and beside it a long box with severalaround it I had only time to observe this, when they thrust on, and drove rapidly away

I could not doubt for a moment into whose hands I had fallen, and when they put ht suffocate, and thus end ood care to prevent this by boring holes in the box, which adh to keep up respiration

And this was the result of allmy escape, it was a terrible disappointed, bound, and boxed up like an article of merchandise, carried back to certain torture, and perchance to death

O, blaentle reader, if in uish of my spirit, I questioned the justice of the power that rules the world Nor let your virtuous indignation wax hot against me if I confess to you, that I even doubted the existence of that power How often had I cried to God for help! Why were arded? What had I done to deserve such a fife of hts occupied ht ride

We arrived at St Regis before the first Mass in theThe box was then taken into the chapel, where they took me out and carried me into the church I was seated at the foot of the altar, withstill in ht-dress Two men stood beside me, and I remained here until the priest had said mass and the people retired from the church He then came down froot her” ”Yes Sir,” they replied, ”what shall we do with her?” ”Put her on the five o'clock boat,” said he, ”and let the other o with her to Montreal I want you to stay here, and be ready to go the other way tonight” This priest was an Indian, but he spoke the English language correctly and fluently He seemed to feel some pity for my forlorn condition, and as they were about to carry e shawl, and wrapped it around rateful

At the appointed time, I was taken on board the boat, watched very closely by the two h of this, for I would very gladly have thrown ain I attempted it, but the men held me back For this, I am now thankful, but at that time my life appeared of so little importance, and the punishments I kneere in reserve forand death rather than life” The captain and sailors were all Ro me as unhappy as possible They ,” and asked if I ”did not wish to run away again?” When they found I did not notice theled with vulgar and profane expressions, which e of me, and who should have protected h, and appeared to think it a pleasant aitive May God forgive thereatest need, may they meet with the kindness they refused to ed boats and took another to Montreal When we arrived there, three priests aiting for us Their names I perfectly remember, but I a never learned while in the nunnery, to read, or spell anything except a sie if I do ive naive them as they were pronounced They were called Father Kelly, Dow, and Conroy All the priests were called father, of whatever age they ht be

As we proceeded from the boat to the Nunnery, one of the priests went before us while the others walked beside azed at us as we passed, but they did not dare to insult, or laugh at me, while in such respectable coht to witness so much parade for a poor run-a-way nun



On our arrival at the Nunnery, I was left alone for half an hour Then the Bishop cae of the kitchen when I left The Bishop read to me three punishments of which he said, I could takeroom Second--To suffer punishment in the lime roo of these places except the cell, a priest was directed to take ht see for ht I did not care, and I said I had no choice about it; but when I came to see the rooms, I was thankful that I was not allowed to abide by that decision Certainly, I had no idea as before me

I was blindfolded, and taken to the lireat distance frohts of stairs, and through long, low passages, where it was ith we entered a room where the atmosphere seemed laden with hot vapor My blinder was removed, and I found myself in a pleasant room some fifteen feet square There was no furniture of any kind, but a wide bench, fastened to the wall, extended round three sides of the room The floor looked like one solid block of dark colored marble; not a crack or seahly polished, and very beautiful Around the sides of the rooreat nue hook hung in the center overhead Near the door stood twoiron bars, some two inches square, on their shoulders

The priest directedto the men, he bade them raise the door They put down their bars, and I suppose touched a concealed spring, for the whole floor at once flew up, and fastened to the large hook over head Surprised and terrified, I stood wondering as to come next Atvapor, so hot, it almost scorched my face and nearly stoppedbillows of s below, and; asked, ”Hoould you like to be thrown into the liasped, in a voice scarcely audible, ”it would burn htened, for he bade hisdown the floor, and I could see that it was in some way supported by the chains attached to the walls but in what manner I do not know

I was nearly suffocated by the lih I knew not as in reserve for lad when my blinder was put on, and I was led away I think we returned the same e came, and entered another rooed to be taken out immediately Even beforeof the loathsome objects by which ere surrounded, I felt that I could not endure to breathe an atht that met my eyes when my blinder was reazed upon it I can only give the reader some faint idea of the place, which, they said, was called the fasting rooible offenders fasted until they starved to death Nor was this all Their dead bodies were not even allowed a decent burial, but were suffered to remain in the place where they died, until the work of death was complete and dust returned to dust Thus the atmosphere became a deadly poison to the next poor victim as left to breathe the noxious effluvia of corruption and decay I am well aware that my reader will hardly creditbut the truth In this rooe iron kettles, so deep that a person could sit in thes In one the corpse looked as though it had been dead but a short time Others still sat erect in the kettle, but the flesh was dropping froe of decay was here represented, fro but a pile of bones was left of the poor sufferer

Conceive, if you can, hat feelings I gazed upon these disgusting relics of the dead Even now, ht, or as, in sleep, I live over again the dread realities of that hour Was I to ht, perchance, escape it for that time, but what assurance had I that I was not ultihts filled mytime I continued to speculate upon what I had seen They called it the fasting roo were the only object, ere they placed in those kettles, instead of being allowed to sit on chairs or benches, or even on the floor? And why placed in IRON kettles? Why were they not made of wood? It would have answered the purpose quite as well, if fasting or starvation were the only objects in view Then caestion, were these kettles ever heated? And was that floorto be cherished for a ain blindfolded, and taken to a place they called a cell But it was quite different from the one I was in before We descended several steps as we entered it, and instead of the darkness I anticipated, I found ht to enablechain was fastened aroundin the floor; but the chain, though large and heavy, was long enough to allow hted, but it must have been in soht, as in the day Here were instruments of various kinds, the use of which, I did not understand; so on the floor, others attached to the sides of the rooe fish, but of what ht flesh color, and fastened to a board on the floor If I pressed my foot upon the board, it would put inforith a harsh, jarring sound like the ru of the cars At the same ti a set of teeth so large and long that I was glad to keep at a safe distance I wished to knohether it would really bite htful I did not dare to hazard the experie serpent, I alht it was one; but I found it moved only when touched in a certain manner Then it would roll over, open its ue There was another that I cannot describe, for I never saw anything that looked like it It was so of a crank ether in such a way, that if a person were once within its embrace, the pressure would soon arrest the vital current, and stop the breath of life Around the walls of the roos and hooks, almost innumerable; but I did not know their use, and feared to touch them I believed theavechain in the hope and expectation that my curiosity would lead me into some of the nuure I had seen beside the dying nun, which they called the devil, ca the door hi heartily, and see much pleased to find me there He would blohite froth from his mouth, but he never spoke to me, and when he went out, he locked the door after hihtful and prudent, but it will be long before I believe that he ca frightened, the incident was rather a source of a would force thee is really the devil, where did he get that key? And ill he do with it? Does the devil hold the keys of this nunnery, so that he can coo as he pleases? Or, are the priests on such friendly terms with his satanic majesty that they lend him their keys? Or, do they hold them as partners? Gentlemen of the Grey Nunnery, please tell us how it is about those keys