Part 40 (1/2)
”Coratulate thee on thy distinction,” said I, as I grasped his hand and raised him to his feet
He could not speak, but looked his surprise and thanks more eloquently than could have been expressed by a whole volume of words
When we reached the Sanctuary I infor that I had been too late to save Catesby
How she howled and chattered like a el that she hath ever been, co words, and at last succeeded in quieting her The old woman was then led off to another room, and since that day I never have beheld her And for this I am thankful; for I could not look upon her withoutwithinthe dead tyrant was buried, and Frederick, Michael, and I went to Grey Friars' Church to look the last upon the one on which the result of our oath made to his brother had fallen I touched his hand In death he was as cold as a salamander, and 'tis like his soul was in that place where this peculiar beast best flourishes
”Richard succeeded better than I thought possible, when he drew in the shi+p of power,” said Harleston ”But when the sailors found what kind of captain they did have to rule them they mutinied and killed their tyrant master”
”His tower of crime did fall, and it crushed its builder, as thou saidst it should,” said I
”Yes,” replied Frederick
Then he continued in his ht
”We are all but dry leaves, lying upon the ground of ti, and it hurls us some distance from the earth On we travel for a short space; soher than the others
The breeze dies out, and we all do fall back to the same low level”
The truth of Harleston's words was azed upon the corpse of hi, and noas a cold lump of earth, such as we allfor his permission for us to return to Westminster with the Lady Hazel
His Majesty received us in a ranted us the desired per his presence, ”that I need not ask thee, Sir Walter, nor thee, Sir Frederick, to remain at my court when I do reach London; for I have heard of two fair maidens which ye do intend to ht, and, when the Government hath been set in order, I do intend to follow your worthy exa Elizabeth Ye both have h allant acts in the liberating of England from a rule of tyranny Never doubt but that ye ever shall live in lect some small reward for noble service rendered”
”Thanks, thanks, your Majesty!” we replied
”And if your Grace doth ever require--the which pray God ye never may--two trusty swords, thou shalt never be compelled to send an order for them,” said Harleston with a heartiness that could not beto the gigantic fresh-dubbed knight, he said:--
”Sir Michael, thou hast no love that will keep thee frohty , and then hopelessly at me; yet spoke he not a word
”Come, Sir Michael,” said I, ”speak freely your mind to his Majesty
He is not the tyrant Richard, that ever hated hts expression”
Still did he hesitate and grew more confused with each breath