Part 37 (2/2)

”Catesby will take his time and, when thou art dead, the which he thinks thou soon shalt be, he'll go and gently woo the Lady Hazel

This doth Catesby intend to do, or else I do know nothing of the man”

”Dost thou think thus, indeed, my friend; or do you say these words that thou mayst comfort me with false hopes?” I asked, as I trembled with hope and fear

”Verily do I believe that which I said will prove to be the case”

”Thanks, thanks! my friend Thou knowest not the load that thou hast taken from my heart What, oh what could I do without the aid of thy clear insight into the hts of all men?”

”Nay, nay, flattersment, if thou wouldst but be calm and use it”

”Jist wait till to-ht o'

rowled Michael, whose features still wore their look of grim determination

Lord Stanley received reat ious skill by Catesby

”Do but be patient, Sir Walter,” said he, in that kindly voice of his, ”to-morroork shall tell a different tale Richard doth despise his foe, and his great conceit doth cause him to underestimate the hatred his subjects have for hied Besides, he hath taken e for my loyalty That I may save my son's life it shall be necessary for ainst the boar, until such tie with Richland shall be freed of tyranny”

That night, Harleston, Michael, and I, all occupied the one tent, and again was the tournaht afresh to my mind, and with it an even more intense hatred of my powerful foe, which I now felt I would soon have within eance for all th fell into a restless sleep, fro trureat cheer of brightness The great hollow plain of Redh it did dislike and dreaded the shock of battle that soon was to disturb its gloo stillness

When we had breakfasted and arh still did he re--to enable us to watch thearmies

The shape of this battle-field--as ye all do know--is that of a shallow saucer, with one side chipped out, or flattened

Fro soentle slope to meet the tyrant and his force of so from the other side

We no that Stanley had well chosen his ground for the successful carrying out of his plan; for as the two unequal forces did approach each other it became evident that they must aged, and the deadly arrows flew through the intervening space like hail

Our force, of seven thousand goodly warriors, was non up in lines, and the coiven to advance

Slowly did we ed with the full fury of those that have received their baptisht As we drew near there was a te around and bore down upon the Usurper's forces from the Earl of Richmond's side

Then was the heavy air rent asunder with loud, ringing cheers from Richmond's men, and foul curses and shouts of defiance froe with a redoubled fury The arht with the confidence of ultiled on with desperation Our archers fought side by side with Rich forth on every side above the battle's din

Then ca

”Charge, gallant knights of England! A Richmond! A Richmond!

Victorious laurel croait us!”