Part 36 (2/2)

”Hold out, e upon the table, her body stretched forward, her lips coht hand she struck, quickly, the dagger into the table's top, then drew it out and struck again Still was she silent,--and a small piece came off mine other ear

”Oh, God! God! God! it is tooher hands above her head, she fell forward upon the table as though she were dead

Catesby and one of his men then rushed to where she lay, and seized her in their arms and started for the door

”Touch her not with your contaht, I will have the last drop in thy heart for this! Oh, thou accursed slave of hell! unbind ers!

”Michael! for God's sake co her off with theled with my bonds until they cut deep into o now, or Oi'll brake moy damned back!”

There was a tremendous crash; the whole house did seeh the door with parts of it still clinging to his arreat hands were red with blood

”At last Oi'asped he, as he tried the outer door, and found it locked

He then cut with his dagger the cords that bound me Too late, too late ere indeed Another door had to be battered down ere ere able to gain the outside This occupied so forth we found no sight of our enemies, or our dear, brave, little maiden

Our horses' reins had been cut, and the beasts the far from the house

How Michael did swear, as tenderly he bound up mine ears with pieces of the cloth that had served to cover the basket we had brought

”Oh, sure sor, Oi did h in toiive me, Sor Walter; but Oi'll nivir rist till Oi have the varmint, and the dear swate Lady Hazel is safe returned to thee, sor,” sobbed the poor fellow, like a child, as he knelt ataccomplished ht do in one whole day, and then feel proud of their work

”Rise, ain ask of hty work this day hath saved my life, and, had it been within the power of ht out my helm and put it on me The wounds in mine ears were mere trifles; so I suffered no inconvenience fro their harness, we mounted and set out for Leicester, by roads not travelled by the army

Noas I determined to join Lord Stanley's force in tireat battle There would I meet Catesby, and kill him; and somewhere near would I find Hazel

I did neither stornash my teeth, as is my hen , and lips drawn tightly in, I rode straight forward under the bright sun that glistened so on Michael's battered armour Thus steadily could I have ridden unto the end of the earth, and never would I rest in peace until I found the ed me

Michael did seem to share my mood; for no word did he speak; but sat his steed with his head thrust slightly forward and a fearful look of unrelenting vengeance stamped on his firm-cut features

There could be no escape for Catesby He rim fate would follow and o'er take hi inin eable of feature as is the London-stone



On the fourth day following, and late in the afternoon, we at last found the camp of Lord Stanley