Part 34 (1/2)
”Well, since the rest of the directions have been so trustworthy I can see no danger in following the remainder Besides,” he continued, ”there seemeth to be no other way so secure”
”Well, as no more time may be spared, ood intent, after the great favour he hath done me
”Say farewell, for the present, ”
Tenderly the ex-Queen eentle hand upon my head and said:--
”God protect thee, Sir Walter, and send thee back to me, with yon fair child, which loveth thee so dearly, safe to her ed foster mother”
”Amen,” said I softly, from the bottoels guard thee from, and strike dead those which could solittle Mary, as the two dear girls embraced and kissed each other
”Farewell, Frederick,” said Hazel--for now she looked on hi brother, and spoke unto hiain see thee until the fate of us all hath been decided May Heaven bless thee and bring thee back to this dear girl, safe and victorious And then may our old happy days that passed like sunbea interruption”
This was a confirmation of my suspicion that Harleston had asked Mary that question which is the London-stone in the lives of us all, and she hadmonths since, have told she would
”Farewell, dear lady,” returned Frederick, whilst Mary took advantage of his speech in trying to regain her wonted coht be past One great battle shall decide our fate; and what that will be I a to me he said:--”We shallRichmond Till then farewell, my dear friend”
”Farewell, Frederick, we shall meet near Leicester; that is if Richard there awaits the Earl”
I kissed Mary, and she and Harleston did bid farewell to big Michael
Then we proceeded to where our horses waited, Michael bearing upon his arm a basket, in which was our food for the day
Thewas noell dawned, and the red bars fro the floor of Heaven in beauteous ribbons, like the gay trappings of a May-pole
Hazel's palfrey was now brought up; and as we roup at the door still stood and waved a silent, fluttering farewell
We rode on in silence until we cauided by the letter
”This is the cross road mentioned in the packet What think ye now of the writer? Dost trust him?” I asked
”I trust him, and yet I feel so doth stir up in o search for some place for ourselves?”
”Oh, no! It must be but foolish maiden timidity Let us proceed and trust the letter, after the way that it hath rescued thee”
So we turned unto our right and, as the letter had said, we cae house set back some distance fro of England did hang lazily The house looked as it had been described--unoccupied; so feeling re-assured we rode into the grounds
I then held Michael's steed whilst he went forward and tried the door
It was unlocked; so he entered He then returned, atas well, so far as he could see, though he desired to inspect it further ere we entered This I did consider to be unnecessary We then tied our horses to soe and square, and in the centre a round pillar arose fro and broad, heavy oaken table and some three or four chairs, scattered carelessly around the roo to where we knew not, were set into the walls at irregular intervals The general appearance of the interior gave one the ih now it did seem undoubtedly to be vacant
Michael placed the basket upon the table, and we at once proceeded to make ourselves comfortable