Part 31 (2/2)
”What! is it to assist me to escape from this accursed place that thou hast co ilse”
The idea of such a chance had not even dawned upon my dazed brain
Rehts confined within a narrow room within the Tower Ye cannot understand what that h it, the which pray God ye never may
”But how?” I asked, as I drew the back of my hand across my brow in an effort to assist my comprehension ”It surely cannot be possible!”
”Possible or not, sor, we can do no worse than fail But if what that strange litter sez be true we shan't fail, sor”
Then he told one to make all ready, in case we should succeed
”What thinks Sir Frederick of this same letter?”
”Sure, sor, he knows not what to make out o' it But sure, yer honour, so far the order hath bin all that we could wish, and if the rist o'
what the writer sez be as good as has been the furst, uh! sure we'll have a good swiives wan the shi+vers to be on the insoide o'”
”It shall be difficult to swim in our armour”
”Sure it's not far, yer honour”
”Then assist me to make haste, that no time may be lost But first tie up that scratch upon thy hand”
”Uh! sure, yer honour 'tis nothin'”
However, I bound my scarf about the hand of him I now loved so dearly, and then he assisted me to arm
We were soon ready to start on this perilous attempt for freedom, that meant so much to me, if I should succeed, and such a calamity unto myself and another which I loved better a thousand times than I did my life, if I should fail
I then went to the poor corpse upon the bed and detached the chain by which the ring that held his keys was suspended from his belt I then crossed to the sreat care and attention, that its contents raven upon auntlet, and, warning Michael to leave his hands bare, that hethe soldier at the breach--in case we ever reached it--I cautiously unlocked the door Then I opened it for a sufficient space to allowthe corridor to make sure that no one was about The hall was clear I opened the door wider, andMichael to follow, I stepped, as quietly as mine armour would permit, into the hall With the quietness of a thief I re-locked the door and started on tip-toe down the passage I had taken but a few steps, however, when Michael's hand was laid uponMichael, I blushed in the darkness atpardon, sor, but dount ye think 'twould be bitter if as to walk along as though we had the roight and didn't give a damn fer a soul o' thiht on, Michael,” I returned, and we strode along with the apparent confidence of two keepers Then Michael started whistling a gay Irish tune This was more than my o'er-strained and assumed confidence could bear; so I placedcame to an abrupt end
Then down the stairs ent until we reached the heavy door opening into the great archway through this tower Here we paused for athe portcullis
”It was up, sor, whin Oi intered”
”Then all is well Now be careful, Michael, and watch ive thee; for on thee now depend our chances of success”
Then, with hands tre with excitement, I at last found the proper key and inserted it in the lock Then, with apparent carelessness, I flung the door wide open and strode forth, Michael following At this very uard,the arch-topped way As he heard the door swing open he halted and, turning, watched us in the di torch overhead To hesitate for but an instantMichael's plan I whistled softly an air that came by inspiration to ain and locked it with a great show of care Then taking Michael by the ar of keys and whistling as I went
Ah!was that indifferent walk How sore was I tempted to break into a run, in a mad effort to leave that awful place behind me But then, had I done so, I had not lived to see the setting of another sun As we passed beneath the great portcullis I glanced back to where we had left the sentry He was still standing beneath the light and gazing after us No doubt he wondered ere; but my apparent confidence and ease of manner re-assured him; for as we turned to our left to pass the round tohich adjoins the one in which I had been confined, he shouldered his pole-axe and resumed his lonely tramp