Part 30 (2/2)

He then read the letter and order to Michael, and then told him of his doubts, and asked him for his opinion

”Sure, sor,” said Michael, ”erous for thee, sor, to go thoysilf into that houle o' Hill But, yer honour, it ht have come from Lord Stanley, and it may be the truth he sez How'd it be, sor, if Oi moysilf wint in yer honour's place? Sure, Sor Walter must be saved, if Oi lose a scoure o' loives in the doin' o' it Sure, sor, 'twould matter little if they did chop off moy head; but if thou ance shut up in that daht not happen to that swate lady in the Sanctuary?” And Michael's lips closed into a straight line that bespoke no good unto those which atteood, Michael, that I follow thine advice; for whilst thou art aiding Sir Walter in his escape, myself will unto the Sanctuary, and there acquaint the Lady Hazel with our plans, and have her in readiness for the flight Besides,” he continued, ”thy presence with Sir Walter will givethe breach shall make no noise

”But coht is already far spent, and Sir Walter and his dear lady must have left the Sanctuary by the dawn of day

”Thou o well armed, and take with thee a horse for Sir Walter”

”Oi will, sor”

”Do thou rooms may know not who took them from the stable”

”Hadn't Oi bist take with me anither sword for Sor Walter? Thim spalpeens took his own from hihtful of thee to remember this necessity

”And now, Michael, for thy directions:--

”Tether your horses in soht, spot Then proceed unto the western entrance, and to the officer in charge thereof present this order, being sure, however, to have hi that this order be not a trap, shalt thou pass the other gates Inform these officers that thou dost desire to be taken unto the prison of Sir Walter Bradley, in the square tower When thou dost see Sir Walter do not appear friendly with him if there be more than the one keeper present, lest it doth cause them to watch ye too closely Thou knowest best how to silence the keeper

”When this is accoive the letter unto Sir Walter He will then kno to follow its directions

”When ye are once out (if Heaven doth so far favour ye) come with all haste unto the Sanctuary, where the Lady Hazel shall be in readiness”

Whilst Harleston had been thus giving Michael his instructions they both had been ar each other in haste They were now fully ready; so Michael went to prepare the horses Frederick then followed Michael to the stables, and in a short tio first, Michael, and have a great care that thou dost follow closely the instructions that I gave thee Pray God that thou dost succeed,” and he gripped Michael's giant hand with a force that assured him, had he not already been aware of it, of his sincerity

”Oi'll remimber, sor, and do as thou hast said And be sure of this, yer honour; if the order be but a trap, moure than wan man now aloive and will shall see Gawd, or the divil, afore they take Moichael a prisoner” With this he was off, and Harleston stood for soantic radually faded from view and ed up in the darkness Then he himself mounted and started on his mission

He had not, however, left the courtyard when he met a horseman, which called out to him as they passed each other:--”'Tis late for thee to be riding forth upon a journey, Sir Frederick And besides, the road is dark to travel thus, alone” It was Catesby

”Thanks for thy kindly warning,” returned Frederick; ”but I have but a short distance to travel, and the way, methinks, is safe” He then rode on; but for a few rods only; for here his horse stopped of its own accord

As the noise of the horse's hoofs ceased suddenly, Frederick distinctly heard a low laugh come from out of the darkness, and in the direction where last he had seen Catesby

”I fear Michael shall not return,” thought Frederick, as he again proceeded on his way

[1] Rous, the historian, states that these lines ritten by Lord Rivers, during that unfortunate nobleman's imprisonment at Pomfret