Chapter 126 - Volume 7 (1/2)

Volume 7, Chapter 11: I Became an Adventurer, Part 3, Part 1

We were guided to the Guild Master’s room by an official looking middle aged man.

The room was on the top floor of the establishment, so we had to climb two flights of stairs, and it’s super quiet.

The reason for this is because Nea and Tina are walking right next to me and not hiding their presence at all.

The presence coming out of them has become proper ‘Killing Intent’ and now we can’t hear a peep from the lobby downstairs where all the adventurers are.

“You two, please refrain.”


Yeah, I’m not buying it.

In response to my muttered request, the aura has gone down, but the other two of our group are in a bad spot. My people are so short tempered… Touka and Mizuki seemed to be about to hyperventilate.

We Demons generally like to live on our own, but when we’re together our society is very similar to corporate life.

We’re like the directors of a black company, and the Greater Demons are like the standard office workers, even if they’re worked to the bone, they have to say: “It’s a great place to work!” on the homepage.

In fact, since me and my followers were brought up directly, I can even say that [Family] passes quickly beyond the direct subordinates.

Because of that, I’m not weird for not having much loyalty to anything. Although that’s a good thing normally, it means I can’t really relate to people, since I don’t understand human behavior, so, in retrospect, the kids seeing their city annihilated was probably pretty traumatizing.

I think it’s at least partly Rinne’s influence on me.

Still, we haven’t had much of a chance to study Kyoji’s… or, rather, [A Hero]’s battle strength, so we’re not doing much right now.

Maybe, just maybe, I think that if a Hero assembled a proper party, they would be comparable to an Arch Demon. If it were me or Rinne, we wouldn’t have any problems, but Yuuki-kun said that the hero isn’t fearsome just because of his strength.

“Here we are.”

Ah, it seems we’re here.

The man who guided us seems to have aged 10 years during our trip. I’m sorry.

“Guild Master, I brought you your guests.”

“Ah, thank you for the trouble.”

When we entered the room which the man opened for us, we heard a girls voice coming from the desk at the back of the 20 tatami sized room.


I let escape me as we walked to the desk. She looked like she was about my age with red hair and was shorter than even Mizuki…  She has a lot of hair.

However, her attitude and presence shows that what’s in front of us isn’t quite normal.

Incidentally, I had heard something about this from Yuki-kun.

“Are you a Dwarf?”

“Oh, are there dwarves in your world?”

She quickly figured out that we’re from a [Foreign World].

No, that isn’t it. It feels too soon for her to just tell us she knows that information.

“She’s a bit strange, but I have a friend who’s a Dwarf.”

“Good to hear. In this world filled with people from strange worlds, it seems like there are only ever humans that come, Tell me more about my family from another world.”

“She’s 3 meters tall, the beautiful dwarf princess, Iwao.”

“… I don’t quite understand the words you’re saying.”

“Ah, can Dwarves not understand Human language?”

“H-hey, what are you saying?”

“Anyways, how long are we going to stand here?”

“Ah, sorry, please sit down over there…”

She guided us to the sofa looking a bit off-kilter.

Thank goodness. It didn’t come to do this banter.

The dwarves in this world are stout and short and have manly beards. The females are rarely born and are called Lolis. Their lifespans are longer than humans, and so while she looks like a ‘little girl’, her age is much higher.

Is that normal? All my knowledge is useless, because Atra’s Dwarves are completely different from here. They’re less of a race and more of a biological weapon.

As we sat on the sofa, she sat in front of s and began to speak again.

“You know, earlier,”

“We never introduced ourselves, yes? Mizuki, Touka, don’t just stand there, take a seat.”