Chapter 106 - Volume 6 (2/2)



At that time, someone was thrown through the now broken window.

“Wh-what is it this time?”

Stunned by the sudden appearance of a man who rolled across the floor and slid out onto the broken door in the hallway, Matsuri momentarily dropped her knife away from Karin’s throat, but this time, a jet-black mass jumped in through the window, biting Karin’s collar and pulling her away.

“A Cat!?”



When she heard a scream, she looked back only to see Yuuki beating down the last of the monks to the floor.



Karin ran to Kotone. While looking at them, Matsuri looked up and rushed at Kotone and Karin with the fruit knife.

“Why! Why can’t you all just do what I want! I don’t understand!”

Indeed, in this situation, they didn’t expect someone to have such reckless behavior.

It was an instant of carelessness…… Matsuri’s malicious blade approached the two… and as the fruit knife pierced deeply all the way forward, Yuuki wailed.



The one among them who had failed to protect a ‘girl’ in the past from a blade, protected that girl’s family at the expense of his own body.

“You’re a nuisanceeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Seeing Onzada, who had cut in, Matsuri was foaming from the mouth, and she tried to push the knife in further.

In the current situation, her push only lengthened Onzada’s wounds. Even just twisting the stabbed knife would be fatal.



There was now a person who was grasping onto Matsuri’s knife hand.

With blonde hair like golden threads…… and a cold beauty like a perfect doll.

A girl who looked down upon Matsuri coldly with her golden eyes uttered a single word as she placed her hand on Matsuri’s face.



As she screamed like a beast at a slaughterhouse, Matsuri staggered backwards while holding her burning face, and fell out of the broken, third-floor window.

The golden girl in a black and silver dress smiled softly at Kotone and her husband, Misa, and Karin, and then disappeared as it melted into motes of light.

Yurushia’s holy spirit magic had created for a [Virtual Alias] for a few minutes.

As Misa looked at the ‘face’ of the girl that disappeared, her eyes went wide, and Kotone’s voice leaked out.


Author’s Notes:

Next time: we’ll finish this volume.