Part 32 (2/2)

His face had becoered back before his upraised hand, but Mr Lawton did not strike For a ained his self-control

”You will never tell it, Jason,” he said slowly, and then he turned to ravely, and his voice was no longer harsh and strident

”I often wondered why you left her so,” he said, ”and why you did not face it You feared her naed in theher into that miserable business, you never raised a hand I always knew you were a gentleman, but I did not know you were Don Quixote de la Mancha”

For the first time since the two had spoken, my father ently, and placed it in his coat His eyes rested on Lawton, and returned his bow

”Rubbish!+” said h, but why listen to two? We will leave her naoing away Did they ever occur to you, Lawton? Perhaps, for instance, I was sick of the whole business Did you ever think I enial an athted at the opportunity to leave lying relatives, and friends who turned their backs? Faugh! I have kept the matter quiet for fifteen years, ainst it I was too glad to see the cards fall as they did to call for a new deal

There I was, tied up to a fa hypocrites Look at Jason, look at hiet away?”

And he bowed to lad to hear the crash 'Very well,' I said, 'I am a thief, since it pleases you to think so' Thieves at least are asociety, and I have found the, butof conviction to his words His voice seemed unable to assume its old cynicism, and his face had lost its former placidity It had suddenly beconant, were reflected there His eyes seemed strained and tired, the corners of his mouth had drooped, and his body too was less erect and resolute So had been broken For a moment, his mask and his mantle had dropped where he could not find the ahead of hiic and no relation to the rest

”If she had only said she did not believe them--Why did she not say it?”

And then he squared his shoulders and tried again to smile

”But what difference does it o for us to face about”

”She never spoke to ain!” repeated Mr Lawton

My father's fist crashed down on the table, but when he spoke his words were precise and devoid of all emotion

”And why the devil should she,” he answered ”We are not questioning her taste And you, Jason,” he added ”No one will doubt your word, or believe this little romance Do you wonder why? They will never have the opportunity Brutus, take them down to the boat”

Brutus stepped forward and laid a hand on e,” he cried, ”you shall have the ed you, but--”

”Yes,” said my father, ”I shall have theTake the, Brutus,” and they left the roohtfully, and arranged the lapel on his coat

”Ned,” said my father, ”the rum decanter is over on the bookshelves Good God, where is he going?” for Mr Aiken had darted into the hall, and was running up the staircase

”Is theat the table I followed his glance, and started involuntarily There had been three pistols lying side by side on the polished any, and now there were only two

”My son,” said lasses--”

A shout froad, captain!” Mr Aiken was roaring ”Damme! Here's another of 'em! You would bite ullet open”

”What an evening we are having, to be sure,” saidto the doorway

Mr Aiken was pushi+ng aa dirk at his throat