Part 31 (1/2)

My father paused to adjust a wrinkle in his coat, and then his voice became solemn and sonorous, and he spoke the words with ',” said my father, ”there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven A tih to nod from one to the other

”'A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted'”

He raised his eyes to the ceiling again, and placed the tips of his fingers together

”And 'a tiently His words died softly away in the quiet rooe,” he continued ”Many and ht I have repeated it to myself, under stars and under roof, and sometimes I have prayed, Jason Oh yes, we all pray sometimes Sometione out of id in his chair, his eyes glued on the slender figure before him

”And now,” said my father, in a tone that was as near to the pious as I ever heard him utter, ”now it is here, and I thank thee, Lord”

”Good God!” gasped Mr Lawton, in a voice that rose only a little above a whisper ”Do you mean to murder us?”

My father still stood ain his voice had relapsed to its old genial courtesy

”What a word for gentlemen to use!” he exclaimed in polite rebuke

”Murder you? Of course not, Lawton I aaae table of the papers, Ned Toss them on the floor”


Of all the people in the room, my father alone retained his self-possession My uncle's cheeks had sagged, and perspiration made them moist and shi+ny, and Mr Lawton seeed a dozen years

”Brutus,” said ave you as we cas look well against the dark any Do they not cheer you, Jason? And now, Brutus, a pack of cards froaaoing to do, Shelton?” sta hand to his forehead

”You grow interested?” ht you would, Lawton, and now stand up and listen! And you too, Jason Stand up, you dog! Stand up! The world is still rolling Are you ill?”

And indeed,

”Perhaps you would prefer to sit,” said my father politely ”I have known people who find it steadies them to fire across the table while seated in a chair Your attention, then, and I will tell you the game On the table are three pistols One of them is loaded The question is--which? They are all made by the same smith And yet one is different

We shall find out which it is in a few minutes Shuffle the cards, Lawton You and Jason shall draw The low number selects the first pistol, and is first to fire, and then the next I shall take the last pistol, and we shall stand across the table, you and Jason where you are, while I stand over here Brutus, give the cards to Mr Lawton”

My father sht have been so, some pleasant bit of sport that all knew ended in hilarity Still slanced from one to the other, and then towards Made our approbation Even with his bandaged araiety and grace

”Always trust in chance, my son,” he said

My uncle leaned forward, and drew his hand across his lips, his eyes blank and staring

”And if you get the pistol?” he demanded hoarsely

”In that case,” replied my father, ”Your troubles will be over, Jason

Pray rest assured--I shall attend to that And then, when that is finished Brutus shall bring two other pistols, and Lawton and I shall draw again”

Mr Lawton grasped the cards uncertainly